Sorry. I will be away in the NL.
PS Just a couple of thoughts on this subject:
- A few decades ago, old age set in at 50, and death came at 70. Soon, old age will set in at 70, and death will come at 90: more shift than change.
- In advanced countries, more & more people are likely to choose 'early' (e.g. at age 90) death with dignity, and request & obtain euthanasia


At 15:27 3/05/2005, you wrote:

Please distribute...

You are hereby invited to our thirteenth "Evolution, Complexity and Cognition (ECCO)" seminar of 2005:

A Cybernetic Approach to the Organisation of the Public Health Service

Julien Libbrecht, Ph.D

Place: room 3C204 (building C, 3rd floor), VUB campus Oefenplein
Time: Friday, May 6, at 17:30 h.

In the next few years all Western countries will be confronted with both a qualitative and a quantitative increase of needs in the public health service, because of the following reasons: 1) growth in life expectation with three months per year; the ever increasing older part of the population will need more care and more cure; 2) expectation studies demonstrate a growth in chronic diseases which need a lifelong follow-up. The conclusion must be that public health will become ever more expensive and that the available means must be used as carefully and as effectively as possible. The effectiveness of organisation, as found in indicators like performance, is a means for the optimal utilisation of available public sources. The challenge for the coming years will be twofold: 1) How can we organise care on the workfloor in a way that meets people's different needs? 2) How can we build a public health care system which meets the professionals' as well as the patients' needs in the most optimal way?

Cybernetics can be of great help in developing models and methods to optimize care and cure. The objective of the cybernetic approach, first, is to understand care and cure as an interaction (anatomy of interaction), second to understand how we can use that interaction in the most effective way. This can be done by the application of Ross Ashby's law of requisite variety  and the five-system model of Stafford Beer on care as interaction system.

ECCO seminar programme coming weeks

13 May: Johan Bollen: Self-organization of Document Networks
20 May: Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis: Closure and the modular evolution of matter
27 May: Lito Kyritsi: Systems Modelling of Cancer
3 Jun: Laetitia De Jaegher: Towards sustainable development: the precautionary principle as a call for a new theory of law to support multi-dimensional governance

ECCO seminars normally take place each Friday at 17h30 in room 3C204 of the VUB Campus Etterbeek. Everyone interested is welcome. The seminars are very interactive, with small groups (about 8-10 people). The intention is to discuss in depth the research being proposed, and to look for interdisciplinary connections with other ECCO-related themes. Seminars last about two hours, after which the remaining participants go to take a drink or a snack in the Opinio Café on the campus, to continue the discussion in a more relaxed setting.

Francis Heylighen     
Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group
Free University of Brussels

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