Hi all,

Just pushed out Fabric 1.0.0 at long last! The changelog is here:


Thanks to everybody who submitted code, patches, and bug
reports/feature requests -- you are too many to name.

This release is backwards incompatible with the 0.9 series, so please
read the changelog's "Backwards-incompatible changes" section for
details on upgrading. Thankfully most of the changes are relatively
minor and/or easy to address -- by and large you shouldn't have many

Please submit bug reports to http://code.fabfile.org and flag them
with the 1.0.1 version identifier.

As I've said before, I apologize for the extreme length of time this
release took to get out, and plan on being far more liberal with
releases going forwards. There is a *ton* of great contributed code
waiting patiently in the wings to be released in 1.1, 1.2 and beyond.

I hope to see many of you at PyCon, and the plan right now is to get
1.1 out during the PyCon sprints -- in only 2 weeks!


Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby engineer

Fab-user mailing list

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