On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Christian Vest Hansen
>>> == 10. "_protected" names are discarded ==
>> Unless I'm missing something, this hasn't been touched, but you also
>> mentioned it's not pressing.
> I have not touched it, but it would definitely be nice to have.

Honestly, I'd be all for updating the logic like so:

for name, obj in captured.items():
        if not name.startswith('_') and isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
            COMMANDS[name] = obj
            __builtins__[name] = obj

In other words, non-underscored functions become commands, and
_everything_ else -- underscored functions, regular nonfunctions, and
underscored nonfunctions -- gets tossed into the local namespace.

If Niklas makes those changes to how fabfile state is stored, it may
make some of this moot anyways, but as a general algorithm for
stuff_in_your_fabfile => stuff_available_inside_commands I think it's
probably the best way to go. Having a more robust state mechanism may
also make it easier to deal with any problems in underscored methods
(such as shadowing existing helper methods and so forth).


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