Climategate Master Criminal Phil Jones Collected $22.6
Million in Grants

Ice Age Now
November 28, 2009
  [featured stories   Climategate Master Criminal Phil Jones Collected
$22.6 Million in Grants]
  [murray]   [featured stories   Climategate Master Criminal Phil Jones
Collected $22.6 Million in Grants]

Phil Jones "can't remember" what he meant by "hiding the

Excerpts from a post by Michael Shedlock – "It's now
official. Much of the hype about global warming is nothing but a
complete scam. The global warming thesis was completely fabricated.

"Inquiring minds are reading  Hacked: Hadley CRU FOI2009 Files
more>  on The Reference Frame by Luboš      Motl, a physicist from
the Czech Republic.

"So far, the most interesting file I found in      the
"documents" directory is  pdj_grant_since1990.xls
UendjUXpWWUE&hl=en>  which shows that since 1990, Phil Jones has
collected a staggering 13.7 million British pounds ($22.6 million) in

"Phil Jones, the main criminal according to this correspondence, has
personally confirmed that the website was hacked and that the documents
are authentic. See  Briefing Room
s-leaked-data-is-real.html> .

"He says that he "can't remember" what he meant by
"hiding the decline." Well, let me teach him some English.
First, dictionaries say that  hide
<>  means

1. to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or      discovered:

did she hide her jewels?

2. to obstruct the view of; cover up: The sun was hidden      by the

3. to conceal from knowledge or exposure; keep secret: to      hide
one's feelings.

4. to conceal oneself; lie concealed: He hid in the      closet.

    * A d v e r t i s e m e n t
    *  [efoods] 
5. British. a place of concealment for hunting or      observing
wildlife; hunting blind.
6. hide out, to go into or remain in hiding: After      breaking out of
jail, he hid out in a deserted farmhouse.

I wonder if Phil remembers the $22.6 million in grants. I wonder if he
"remembers" only those things that the IPCC wants him to

See entire great article, entitled "Beware The      Ice Age Cometh:
Hackers Prove Global Warming Is A Scam"\

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