FP's Situation Report: Maliki becomes the new Assad; U.S. promises support for 
the Kurds; Did spies miss this?; Wendy Anderson joins Commerce; Is that Tara 
Napier on that BP ad? And a bit more. 


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 The National Security Daily Brief from Foreign Policy




Follow Us:







Monday, August 11, 2014



  By  Gordon Lubold   

  The  White House has begun directly providing weapons to Kuridsh forces in 
northern  Iraq. AP's Lita Baldor, travelling with  SecDef Hagel in Australia, 
and Matthew Lee: "...Previously, the U.S. had insisted on  only selling arms to 
the Iraqi government in Baghdad, but the Kurdish peshmerga  fighters had been 
losing ground to Islamic State militants in recent weeks. The  officials 
wouldn't say which U.S. agency is providing the arms or what weapons  are being 
sent, but one official said it isn't the Pentagon. The CIA has  historically 
done similar quiet arming operations." The rest here.    

  Maliki becomes the new Assad  and the Kurds take back some cities.  Iraqi 
Prime Minister Nouri  al-Maliki is digging in, refusing to get out of the way, 
even as the U.S. has  not-so-quietly hinted that it is prepared to take its 
support to help the  Iraqis to the next level if the Shiite leader steps aside. 
But he's starting to  sound a lot like another leader Washington has wanted 
out, President Bashar  al-Assad of Syria. And even as the Kurds make inroads 
against the Islamic State  of Iraq and Syria, or, as it's now called, the 
Islamic State (IS), Maliki's  recalcitrance creates a major roadblock for the 

  Maliki made a fiery speech Sunday, and Iraqi special forces  surrounded the 
government complex in Baghdad's Green Zone.    

  The WaPo's Loveday Morris: "In actions that had all the markings of a  
political coup, Maliki gave a definite late-night speech in Baghdad, saying he  
would lodge a legal case against the country's president, who has resisted  
naming him as the candidate for another term as prime minister." The  rest 

  On Saturday, before leaving for a family vacation on Martha's  Vineyard, 
Obama attempted to manage the expectations of the American public -  this is 
not a short-term endeavor. Lubold: "This is going to be a long-term project," 
Obama  said on the White House North Lawn Saturday morning as he reiterated 
that  American combat troops would not be deployed to conduct ground operations 
 there.  In the meantime, as U.S. forces conduct humanitarian operations  and 
airstrikes to protect American military personnel and citizens in northern  
Iraq, what's important, Obama said, is for the Shiite-led government in Baghdad 
 to reach a political settlement to allow all Iraqis to feel a part of the  
government. That, he said, is a "long-term campaign... We can help, we can  
advise, but we can't do it for them, and the U.S. military cannot do it for  
them," Obama said.   

  More of what Obama said, including his defense of removing American  forces 
from Iraq and his reiteration that no ground forces would enter the  fight, 

  Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S. Lukman Faily, to Situation Report  yesterday: 
"The new area of military cooperation has been a significant sign that we  both 
face a common enemy... we are getting significant support from the U.S.,  
however, we still have a major need for better air capability - that still for  
us is the weakest point, or at least our biggest area we need to improve  on."  

  Faily, on the long-term: "Nobody is thinking this is a quick and easy 
endeavor moving  forward, and nobody should think this is a quick and easy 
endeavor moving  forward."   

  Former commander of U.S. forces in Mosul Carter Ham to ABC's Martha  Raddatz 
yesterday on This Week: "I think the initial strikes are already  having some 
effect, a few strikes by  the U.S., many more by the Iraqi Air Force.. it 
appears to have at least given  pause to the Islamic extremists as they seek to 
advance... but much more effort  will be required to achieve a positive outcome 
longer term." And  on ground troops: "It will be very difficult without U.S. 
ground  forces or ground forces of others, which they may be willing to 
participate,  but it really centers around: the president is right - there 
really has to be a  responsible government in Baghdad to which a future Iraqi 
army can be loyal. A  first chyron: Ham was identified on This Week as part of 
SBD Advisors, LLC - as in Sally B. Donnelly  Advisors, LLC.   

  Video of airdrops  to Iraqis stuck on Mount Sinjar, here.    

  Welcome to Monday's edition  of Situation Report, where  we're flying solo 
today because Nathaniel is deservedly unplugging for a week and technical 
"challenges"  in the cockpit today mean we're offering an abridged version of 
SitRep. If  you'd like to be one of our subscribers, we'd love to have you. 
Sign up for  Situation Report by sending us a note at 
gordon.lub...@foreignpolicy.com and we'll just stick you on. Like what you see? 
Tell a friend.  And if you have a report  you want teased, a piece of news, or 
a good tidbit, you, send it to us early for maximum  tease. And the more  
shovel-ready, the better. And hey!  Follow us: @glubold and @njsobe4.   

  A street thug-turned-America's newest most wanted: How did we get  here? The  
NYT's Tim Arango and Eric Schmitt look at the arrest of ISIS' Abu Bakr  
al-Baghdadi, then known as Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry, when he was arrested  
by U.S. forces in 2004 and brought to - remember this place? - the Camp Bucca  
detention facility. Their story: "...  Despite his reach for global stature, 
Mr. Baghdadi, in his early 40s, in many  ways has remained more mysterious than 
any of the major jihadi figures who  preceded him." Read the rest of this Page 
Oner here.    

  Did U.S. intelligence agencies fail to see the warning  signs? Probably not  
completely, because despite the challenges of collecting intelligence in a  
place like Iraq where there was up until recently a tiny American footprint,  
American intel agencies had eyes on the problem. But was it more of an issue of 
 persuasion - sounding the alarm to U.S. policymakers back in Washington - and  
those inside the White House who would be reluctant to hear such alarms anyway? 
 The debate begins. The WSJ's Siobhan Gorman and Julian Barnes under the Page 
One headline  "U.S. Spies Missed Urgency of Threat": "...The inability of U.S. 
spy agencies to provide details about  the timing of Islamic State offensives 
or their likelihood of success has  touched off debate among U.S. 
national-security officials about whether  intelligence on the group has been 
adequate. The struggle to understand the  capabilities of the group reflects 
the difficulty of collecting detailed  intelligence on its internal planning. 
"Collection is tough," one  senior U.S. official acknowledged.  

  "That is the challenge facing intelligence officials  and the U.S. military 
as American warplanes  launch waves of airstrikes. The success of the strikes 
may depend in part on  how well the U.S. is able to read the group." Read the 
rest here.    

  Chuck Hagel continues his overseas trip today in the Pacific, where he is in  

  BAM! A Friday tweet still relevant on Monday and beyond: "@CrowleyTIME: that 
bugle you  hear is playing taps for the Asia pivot.   

  There's a "big lie"  Americans tell themselves about genocide, even though 
preventing it has never  been a "core interest" of Americans. The White House 
has relied  heavily on the pictures of stranded Iraqis, starving and thirsty, 
to sell this  new American intervention on a war-wary/weary public. It makes it 
easier to  send jet fighters and drones to drop bombs in a country many 
Americans felt  they had washed their hands of years ago. But this is not 
something the U.S. is  good at necessarily, argues Dhruva Jaishankar for FP: 
"...The current generation seems to  believe that preventing genocide around 
the world is and has always been in the  United States' interest. From calls to 
intervene in Syria, to activism around  'Save Darfur,' to attention paid  to 
anti-Rohingya Muslim violence in Myanmar, there is widespread  believe that the 
United States will intervene in troubled spots around the  world. But 
Washington has always had a dismal record of stopping genocides and  ethnic 
cleansing, and that is unlikely to change." More here.  

  Hey, isn't that Tara Napier - now Tara Napier Harrison, the former  assistant 
to Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell - on the new BP ad? Don't blink, but 
why yes it  is. Harrison, who, with Morrell, joined BP after leaving the 
Pentagon, appears  briefly in a new BP ad touting the company's role in 
American jobs that's been  broadcast heavily during Sunday shows.   

  Starting today, Former Hagel  Deputy Chief of Staff Wendy Anderson joins 
Penny Pritzker at the Department of  Commerce. Anderson,  who was one of three 
individuals under consideration by Defense Secretary Hagel  to be his chief of 
staff, left the Pentagon last month, climbed Mount  Kilimanjaro, and tomorrow 
starts as the new Chief of Staff at the Department of  Commerce. That means 
Hagel will likely pick one of two people to be his  right-hand-person: Elissa 
Slotkin or Rex Ryu - and that decision should be  coming shortly. Pritzker, in 
an email to staff Friday: "Wendy is a seasoned leader who comes to us with 
great expertise... While at Defense, Wendy was twice awarded the Department  of 
Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the Department's highest  
civilian award, presented by both Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and  
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel."  

  "...Wendy is also a veteran  of the Senate, having served as professional 
staff on the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs  Committee, 
managing the international security portfolio for the Subcommittee  on 
International Security, and serving as the intelligence liaison for Senator  
Barbara Mikulski on the Senate Intelligence Committee... As you know, I am very 
 excited about our team and talent - all of you - that we have within our  
Department.  I know Wendy is excited to help us execute our mission  of 
delivering real results for America's businesses, communities and our  people." 

  Israeli negotiators are in Cairo for peace talks as the latest  72-hour 
cease-fire begins. Reuters this hour: "...A month of war has killed 1,910 
Palestinians and 67 Israelis  while devastating wide tracts of densely 
populated Gaza. Gaza hospital  officials say the Palestinian death toll has 
been mainly civilian since the  July 8 launch of Israel's military campaign to 
quell Gaza rocket fire. Israel  has lost 64 soldiers and three civilians, while 
heavy losses among civilians  and the destruction of thousands of homes in Gaza 
have drawn international  condemnation. The Israeli delegation to the Cairo 
talks had flown home on  Friday when the sides failed to reach a deal to 
prolong a previous three-day  truce." More here.  

  There's war-weariness in  Gaza. The NYT's Jodi Rudoren: "...After more than a 
month of war, the people of Gaza are  sad, of course, at 1,900 lives lost. They 
are angry, too: at Israel for  destroying some 10,000 homes, at the Arab 
leaders who seem unmoved, the Western  ones who seem unable to move, and even, 
quietly, at the Palestinian militants  who built tunnels under their 
neighborhoods. But mostly they are spent - from  weeks of being stuck inside 
with scant hours of electricity and waiting in line  for potable water, but 
also from years of feeling stuck in what they  universally describe as a 
prison." More here.    

  In Gaza, the war is far from over. FP's David Kenner: "[In Gaza] the  horror 
stories seek you out: The man living in a crowded United Nations Relief  and 
Works Agency (UNRWA) refugee camp who hasn't had the money to repair his  house 
since it was damaged in the 2012 war; the 7-year-old girl who interrupts  an 
interview to interject that her father has been killed; the exhausted  general 
manager of Shifa Hospital, who spoke mournfully about how his staff was  
performing surgeries in waiting rooms because all of the operating rooms were  
full. These people all said that this war  was easily the worst of the three 
conflicts with Israel since Hamas took over  the Gaza Strip in 2007. And all of 
them maintained that Hamas should continue  striking Israel until its demands 
are met." More here.    

  Ukrainian forces say they are close to taking rebel-held  Donetsk. Reuters 
this morning: " The Ukrainian military said on Monday it was preparing for a  
'final stage' of taking back the city of Donetsk from pro-Russian separatists  
after making significant gains that have split rebel forces on the ground.  
Spokesman Andriy Lysenko said Kiev's troops had now cut Donetsk off from the  
other main rebel-held city of Luhansk, 150 km (90 miles) away, on the border  
with Russia.  

  "'The forces of the anti-terrorist operation are  preparing for the final 
stage of liberating Donetsk,'  Lysenko told Reuters. 'Our forces have 
completely cut Donetsk off from Luhansk.  We are working to liberate both towns 
but it's better to liberate Donetsk first  - it is more important.'" More here. 

  We missed this Friday: FP's Tom Ricks publishes a letter from an  Army major, 
Maj.  Charles V. Slider III , who was "fired" from  the Army for a DUI some 
years ago despite a record of high accomplishment. Slider:  "... On August 1, I 
was notified of my  removal from active duty service. Although I accept this 
fate, this is not  justifiable due to the sacrifices that both my family and I 
have endured."  Read  his letter here.    

  The First Vietnamese-American  becomes a general.  Read about that here.    

  So this Marine did a funny. A Marine at Camp Lejeune,  N.C. posted an ad to  
Craigslist for his barracks room. From Marine Corps Times' BattleRattle blog,  
which notes that it wasn't a "terminal lance" doing the prank: "...He described 
a 225 square-foot barracks room as a lovely space in a  gated community with 
wake-up calls and 'motivation specialists.' The staff  sergeant said he has 
since received a lot of fan mail." More here.    





Register  at ForeignPolicy.com to receive Situation Report and other FP 













The Big Lie Americans Tell Themselves


by Dhruva Jaishankar




How to Take a Picture of a Severed Head


by Sebastian Meyer, Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer




The Peacock Angel and the Pythagorean Theorem


by Gerard Russell











This email was sent to wle...@aol.com by f...@foreignpolicy.com.










Foreign Policy Magazine is published by the FP Group, a division of Graham 
Holdings Company.  All contents ©2014 The Slate Group, LLC. All rights 
reserved.  Foreign Policy, 11 DUPONT CIRCLE NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON DC 20036




-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Lubold <f...@foreignpolicy.com>
To: wleed3 <wle...@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Aug 11, 2014 8:25 am
Subject: FP's Situation Report: Maliki becomes the new Assad; U.S. promises 
support for the Kurds; Did spies miss this?; Wendy Anderson joins Commerce; Is 
that Tara Napier on that BP ad? And a bit more.

FP's Situation Report: Maliki becomes the new Assad; U.S. promises support for 
the Kurds; Did spies miss this?; Wendy Anderson joins Commerce; Is that Tara 
Napier on that BP ad? And a bit more. 


If you have problems viewing this email, view it in a browser. Please feel free 
to forward it to a friend.








 The National Security Daily Brief from Foreign Policy




Follow Us:







Monday, August 11, 2014



  By  Gordon Lubold   

  The  White House has begun directly providing weapons to Kuridsh forces in 
northern  Iraq. AP's Lita Baldor, travelling with  SecDef Hagel in Australia, 
and Matthew Lee: "...Previously, the U.S. had insisted on  only selling arms to 
the Iraqi government in Baghdad, but the Kurdish peshmerga  fighters had been 
losing ground to Islamic State militants in recent weeks. The  officials 
wouldn't say which U.S. agency is providing the arms or what weapons  are being 
sent, but one official said it isn't the Pentagon. The CIA has  historically 
done similar quiet arming operations." The rest here.    

  Maliki becomes the new Assad  and the Kurds take back some cities.  Iraqi 
Prime Minister Nouri  al-Maliki is digging in, refusing to get out of the way, 
even as the U.S. has  not-so-quietly hinted that it is prepared to take its 
support to help the  Iraqis to the next level if the Shiite leader steps aside. 
But he's starting to  sound a lot like another leader Washington has wanted 
out, President Bashar  al-Assad of Syria. And even as the Kurds make inroads 
against the Islamic State  of Iraq and Syria, or, as it's now called, the 
Islamic State (IS), Maliki's  recalcitrance creates a major roadblock for the 

  Maliki made a fiery speech Sunday, and Iraqi special forces  surrounded the 
government complex in Baghdad's Green Zone.    

  The WaPo's Loveday Morris: "In actions that had all the markings of a  
political coup, Maliki gave a definite late-night speech in Baghdad, saying he  
would lodge a legal case against the country's president, who has resisted  
naming him as the candidate for another term as prime minister." The  rest 

  On Saturday, before leaving for a family vacation on Martha's  Vineyard, 
Obama attempted to manage the expectations of the American public -  this is 
not a short-term endeavor. Lubold: "This is going to be a long-term project," 
Obama  said on the White House North Lawn Saturday morning as he reiterated 
that  American combat troops would not be deployed to conduct ground operations 
 there.  In the meantime, as U.S. forces conduct humanitarian operations  and 
airstrikes to protect American military personnel and citizens in northern  
Iraq, what's important, Obama said, is for the Shiite-led government in Baghdad 
 to reach a political settlement to allow all Iraqis to feel a part of the  
government. That, he said, is a "long-term campaign... We can help, we can  
advise, but we can't do it for them, and the U.S. military cannot do it for  
them," Obama said.   

  More of what Obama said, including his defense of removing American  forces 
from Iraq and his reiteration that no ground forces would enter the  fight, 

  Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S. Lukman Faily, to Situation Report  yesterday: 
"The new area of military cooperation has been a significant sign that we  both 
face a common enemy... we are getting significant support from the U.S.,  
however, we still have a major need for better air capability - that still for  
us is the weakest point, or at least our biggest area we need to improve  on."  

  Faily, on the long-term: "Nobody is thinking this is a quick and easy 
endeavor moving  forward, and nobody should think this is a quick and easy 
endeavor moving  forward."   

  Former commander of U.S. forces in Mosul Carter Ham to ABC's Martha  Raddatz 
yesterday on This Week: "I think the initial strikes are already  having some 
effect, a few strikes by  the U.S., many more by the Iraqi Air Force.. it 
appears to have at least given  pause to the Islamic extremists as they seek to 
advance... but much more effort  will be required to achieve a positive outcome 
longer term." And  on ground troops: "It will be very difficult without U.S. 
ground  forces or ground forces of others, which they may be willing to 
participate,  but it really centers around: the president is right - there 
really has to be a  responsible government in Baghdad to which a future Iraqi 
army can be loyal. A  first chyron: Ham was identified on This Week as part of 
SBD Advisors, LLC - as in Sally B. Donnelly  Advisors, LLC.   

  Video of airdrops  to Iraqis stuck on Mount Sinjar, here.    

  Welcome to Monday's edition  of Situation Report, where  we're flying solo 
today because Nathaniel is deservedly unplugging for a week and technical 
"challenges"  in the cockpit today mean we're offering an abridged version of 
SitRep. If  you'd like to be one of our subscribers, we'd love to have you. 
Sign up for  Situation Report by sending us a note at 
gordon.lub...@foreignpolicy.com and we'll just stick you on. Like what you see? 
Tell a friend.  And if you have a report  you want teased, a piece of news, or 
a good tidbit, you, send it to us early for maximum  tease. And the more  
shovel-ready, the better. And hey!  Follow us: @glubold and @njsobe4.   

  A street thug-turned-America's newest most wanted: How did we get  here? The  
NYT's Tim Arango and Eric Schmitt look at the arrest of ISIS' Abu Bakr  
al-Baghdadi, then known as Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry, when he was arrested  
by U.S. forces in 2004 and brought to - remember this place? - the Camp Bucca  
detention facility. Their story: "...  Despite his reach for global stature, 
Mr. Baghdadi, in his early 40s, in many  ways has remained more mysterious than 
any of the major jihadi figures who  preceded him." Read the rest of this Page 
Oner here.    

  Did U.S. intelligence agencies fail to see the warning  signs? Probably not  
completely, because despite the challenges of collecting intelligence in a  
place like Iraq where there was up until recently a tiny American footprint,  
American intel agencies had eyes on the problem. But was it more of an issue of 
 persuasion - sounding the alarm to U.S. policymakers back in Washington - and  
those inside the White House who would be reluctant to hear such alarms anyway? 
 The debate begins. The WSJ's Siobhan Gorman and Julian Barnes under the Page 
One headline  "U.S. Spies Missed Urgency of Threat": "...The inability of U.S. 
spy agencies to provide details about  the timing of Islamic State offensives 
or their likelihood of success has  touched off debate among U.S. 
national-security officials about whether  intelligence on the group has been 
adequate. The struggle to understand the  capabilities of the group reflects 
the difficulty of collecting detailed  intelligence on its internal planning. 
"Collection is tough," one  senior U.S. official acknowledged.  

  "That is the challenge facing intelligence officials  and the U.S. military 
as American warplanes  launch waves of airstrikes. The success of the strikes 
may depend in part on  how well the U.S. is able to read the group." Read the 
rest here.    

  Chuck Hagel continues his overseas trip today in the Pacific, where he is in  

  BAM! A Friday tweet still relevant on Monday and beyond: "@CrowleyTIME: that 
bugle you  hear is playing taps for the Asia pivot.   

  There's a "big lie"  Americans tell themselves about genocide, even though 
preventing it has never  been a "core interest" of Americans. The White House 
has relied  heavily on the pictures of stranded Iraqis, starving and thirsty, 
to sell this  new American intervention on a war-wary/weary public. It makes it 
easier to  send jet fighters and drones to drop bombs in a country many 
Americans felt  they had washed their hands of years ago. But this is not 
something the U.S. is  good at necessarily, argues Dhruva Jaishankar for FP: 
"...The current generation seems to  believe that preventing genocide around 
the world is and has always been in the  United States' interest. From calls to 
intervene in Syria, to activism around  'Save Darfur,' to attention paid  to 
anti-Rohingya Muslim violence in Myanmar, there is widespread  believe that the 
United States will intervene in troubled spots around the  world. But 
Washington has always had a dismal record of stopping genocides and  ethnic 
cleansing, and that is unlikely to change." More here.  

  Hey, isn't that Tara Napier - now Tara Napier Harrison, the former  assistant 
to Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell - on the new BP ad? Don't blink, but 
why yes it  is. Harrison, who, with Morrell, joined BP after leaving the 
Pentagon, appears  briefly in a new BP ad touting the company's role in 
American jobs that's been  broadcast heavily during Sunday shows.   

  Starting today, Former Hagel  Deputy Chief of Staff Wendy Anderson joins 
Penny Pritzker at the Department of  Commerce. Anderson,  who was one of three 
individuals under consideration by Defense Secretary Hagel  to be his chief of 
staff, left the Pentagon last month, climbed Mount  Kilimanjaro, and tomorrow 
starts as the new Chief of Staff at the Department of  Commerce. That means 
Hagel will likely pick one of two people to be his  right-hand-person: Elissa 
Slotkin or Rex Ryu - and that decision should be  coming shortly. Pritzker, in 
an email to staff Friday: "Wendy is a seasoned leader who comes to us with 
great expertise... While at Defense, Wendy was twice awarded the Department  of 
Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the Department's highest  
civilian award, presented by both Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and  
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel."  

  "...Wendy is also a veteran  of the Senate, having served as professional 
staff on the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs  Committee, 
managing the international security portfolio for the Subcommittee  on 
International Security, and serving as the intelligence liaison for Senator  
Barbara Mikulski on the Senate Intelligence Committee... As you know, I am very 
 excited about our team and talent - all of you - that we have within our  
Department.  I know Wendy is excited to help us execute our mission  of 
delivering real results for America's businesses, communities and our  people." 

  Israeli negotiators are in Cairo for peace talks as the latest  72-hour 
cease-fire begins. Reuters this hour: "...A month of war has killed 1,910 
Palestinians and 67 Israelis  while devastating wide tracts of densely 
populated Gaza. Gaza hospital  officials say the Palestinian death toll has 
been mainly civilian since the  July 8 launch of Israel's military campaign to 
quell Gaza rocket fire. Israel  has lost 64 soldiers and three civilians, while 
heavy losses among civilians  and the destruction of thousands of homes in Gaza 
have drawn international  condemnation. The Israeli delegation to the Cairo 
talks had flown home on  Friday when the sides failed to reach a deal to 
prolong a previous three-day  truce." More here.  

  There's war-weariness in  Gaza. The NYT's Jodi Rudoren: "...After more than a 
month of war, the people of Gaza are  sad, of course, at 1,900 lives lost. They 
are angry, too: at Israel for  destroying some 10,000 homes, at the Arab 
leaders who seem unmoved, the Western  ones who seem unable to move, and even, 
quietly, at the Palestinian militants  who built tunnels under their 
neighborhoods. But mostly they are spent - from  weeks of being stuck inside 
with scant hours of electricity and waiting in line  for potable water, but 
also from years of feeling stuck in what they  universally describe as a 
prison." More here.    

  In Gaza, the war is far from over. FP's David Kenner: "[In Gaza] the  horror 
stories seek you out: The man living in a crowded United Nations Relief  and 
Works Agency (UNRWA) refugee camp who hasn't had the money to repair his  house 
since it was damaged in the 2012 war; the 7-year-old girl who interrupts  an 
interview to interject that her father has been killed; the exhausted  general 
manager of Shifa Hospital, who spoke mournfully about how his staff was  
performing surgeries in waiting rooms because all of the operating rooms were  
full. These people all said that this war  was easily the worst of the three 
conflicts with Israel since Hamas took over  the Gaza Strip in 2007. And all of 
them maintained that Hamas should continue  striking Israel until its demands 
are met." More here.    

  Ukrainian forces say they are close to taking rebel-held  Donetsk. Reuters 
this morning: " The Ukrainian military said on Monday it was preparing for a  
'final stage' of taking back the city of Donetsk from pro-Russian separatists  
after making significant gains that have split rebel forces on the ground.  
Spokesman Andriy Lysenko said Kiev's troops had now cut Donetsk off from the  
other main rebel-held city of Luhansk, 150 km (90 miles) away, on the border  
with Russia.  

  "'The forces of the anti-terrorist operation are  preparing for the final 
stage of liberating Donetsk,'  Lysenko told Reuters. 'Our forces have 
completely cut Donetsk off from Luhansk.  We are working to liberate both towns 
but it's better to liberate Donetsk first  - it is more important.'" More here. 

  We missed this Friday: FP's Tom Ricks publishes a letter from an  Army major, 
Maj.  Charles V. Slider III , who was "fired" from  the Army for a DUI some 
years ago despite a record of high accomplishment. Slider:  "... On August 1, I 
was notified of my  removal from active duty service. Although I accept this 
fate, this is not  justifiable due to the sacrifices that both my family and I 
have endured."  Read  his letter here.    

  The First Vietnamese-American  becomes a general.  Read about that here.    

  So this Marine did a funny. A Marine at Camp Lejeune,  N.C. posted an ad to  
Craigslist for his barracks room. From Marine Corps Times' BattleRattle blog,  
which notes that it wasn't a "terminal lance" doing the prank: "...He described 
a 225 square-foot barracks room as a lovely space in a  gated community with 
wake-up calls and 'motivation specialists.' The staff  sergeant said he has 
since received a lot of fan mail." More here.    





Register  at ForeignPolicy.com to receive Situation Report and other FP 













The Big Lie Americans Tell Themselves


by Dhruva Jaishankar




How to Take a Picture of a Severed Head


by Sebastian Meyer, Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer




The Peacock Angel and the Pythagorean Theorem


by Gerard Russell











This email was sent to wle...@aol.com by f...@foreignpolicy.com.










Foreign Policy Magazine is published by the FP Group, a division of Graham 
Holdings Company.  All contents ©2014 The Slate Group, LLC. All rights 
reserved.  Foreign Policy, 11 DUPONT CIRCLE NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON DC 20036




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