Fascinating article in today's Telegraph about an on-going project to re-vamp 
how we access the Web. By using "block chain technology" (like Bitcoin does) in 
future everything could be done anonymously, and censorship would be close to 
impossible. No one could shut it down, because no one owns it.

 Armed with 30,000 Bitcoin (around $12 million dollars) of crowd-funded 
support, the "Etherium" project is 40 of the smartest people you'll ever meet, 
based mainly in Amsterdam, Berlin and London. They are currently hard at work 
building a new programming language and platform that uses the block chain and 
applies it to anything on the internet.

 What that means is that governments won't be able to shut down conversations 
they don't approve of. Good news for terrorists, paedophiles and drug dealers, 
perhaps. But also good news for libertarians who want to keep citizens talking 
to each other without going via the mainstream media with its in-built bias.
 http://tinyurl.com/n9wmct7 http://tinyurl.com/n9wmct7


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