20 November 2007

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gives his two 'advanced techniques' of action 
to consolidate invincibility for every nation. 

Having said in Part I of this address that we have to have an eight 
times factor to ensure the invincibility of nations, Maharishi gives 
his 'advanced techniques' of action for achieving the consolidation 
of the success achieved so far: 

'Just as we got the knowledge from Guru Dev*, and we have used it and 
used it and used it, it has taken us 50 years to use it so that we 
got our country on the level of invincibility. We will consolidate 
that invincibility with seven more countries rising to invincibility. 
And the formula of knowledge to raise your countries to 
invincibility, to bring it to this present level of invincibility, 
what was that? 

'It was knowledge: how to initiate the people**, and how to take them 
from one initiation to ... all the advanced techniques. In each 
advanced technique, something new was there, and through all these 
advanced techniques, to our great happiness we have raised our 
country to the level of invincibility. 

'So just as I passed on to you Guru Dev's blessings, [which] flowed 
onto you through me, today also I want to throw one more channel of, 
I would call it, the same way as advanced techniques, advanced 
techniques. So these advanced techniques I want to give you today 

'These advanced techniques are in the field of knowledge on a 
different level. This knowledge so far was on the level of knowledge, 
and now I am giving you some techniques in the field of action. 
Action, action. For that, I want to give you my two, three 
experiences in all these years. 

'One experience of mine was when I first landed in the western 
America from India, when I first landed in San Francisco, talked to 
some people, and I got the response from the press. The press 
said, ''What he teaches is a technique to rest. A technique to rest. 
You'll sleep well. You are not sleeping soundly, so that hampers your 
creativity during the day, and he comes from India to tell you how to 
sleep well. So go to him and take the technique of sleeping well.'' 

'This was the first response of the West, to my great surprise. When 
people told me, told that ''Your talk has been well-reported,'' I 
said ''What does it say?'' They brought the paper to me and read out 
that I came there to make them sleep well. It was a great shock to 
me. I thought I am bringing enlightenment, the technique of keeping 
awake, fully awake, enlightenment, and I am being welcomed as a 
messenger for bringing sleep. 

'First thought that came to me was ''I should absolutely go back to 
India where enlightenment will be valued on the level of its value: 
enlightenment, fully awake.'' Enlightenment means you are awake, even 
in the deep sleep you are sleep-awake; you witness sleep, you witness 
dreaming, you witness waking. I thought I came then to give 
enlightenment, and I am being received as giver of sleep. I [thought] 
I should immediately go back. [There was] this feeling 
of ''completely leave off these people, I don't want to be in a 
country to be known, or I don't want to be alive, to be known as 
giving the technique of sleeping.'' This thought remained with me for 
about half an hour. And what came out of it is now useful that I want 
to tell you. 

'What came out of it after half an hour? I [thought] I can go back, 
but I have abandoned a place that I came to without giving my benefit 
to them. So what came to me is a secret that I want to share with all 
my family now. The thought that came to me, that ''No, doesn't 
matter, for whatever reason they take the techniques from me, for 
whatever reason, but they will get the desired advantage of waking 

'So just this thought that for whatever reason they came to me, I 
should give them the result will be the benefit of the programme. So 
this thought, that ''for whatever reason they are attracted to me, I 
should give them; whether they come to sleep, to dream or whatever, I 
should give them the technique, and the technique will have its own 
effect, and they will begin to appreciate, appreciate.'' 

'So this one technique, this one technique, I want to give to my, to 
my family members. This is the technique that they will use for 
consolidation. For whatever reason the people come to you: somebody 
comes to you for health; somebody comes to you for wealth; somebody 
comes to you to reject you—in so many places later on, I was called a 
Devil. ''A Devil has come. The life is full of suffering. And the 
Devil says 'Life is bliss. Life is Bliss.' Don't go to him, he's a 

'I thought in my mind the same formula that I developed the second 
day in my thought in San Francisco—that ''no matter for what reason 
they come to me, they come to me to oppose this thing, this thing, 
this thing. But doesn't matter for whatever reason they come, I 
should be available to give them, give them, for whatever reason, 
even for opposite reasons, they come to me, I should give them, give 
them, give them.'' 

'This is one technique that I'm giving to my family today on my 
experience. This is on the worldly level. My message to you on the 
Divine level, on the level of Guru Dev's blessing, you have used it, 
you have enjoyed the benefit of it. But now, when we are on the level 
of consolidation, if [there is] anything new we have to use, we have 
to use this technique—for no matter what reason people come to us, we 
should give them our technique. No matter. Someone comes to remove 
his poverty, we take him on his level. Someone comes to remove some 
other thing, something; no matter for what he comes, we have our door 
open to him. This is one worldly technique. This is the technique in 
the field of action. 

'Until now, you had the technique in the field of knowledge; for what 
level of success you have been able to use it, you have used it, you 
have used it well. Now in the consolidation, what new you have to do? 
This technique. For whatever reason people come to you for 
invincibility, welcome, welcome, welcome. 

'This is one technique. This is one formula. This arose in my mind on 
the first day when I stepped in the western world. San Francisco, I 
found a different world, different way of thinking, different way of 
doing... But this is the first technique on a practical level. 

'Second technique, after how many months, when I landed in England, I 
don't remember all the details, but some day somebody brought to me 
some paper, and he was opposing the whole thing. He attacked me from 
this side, this side, this side. He opposed me. ''That is not right, 
not right, it can't be,'' and all that. This was another thing that 
[my] first reaction was, ''I should go away from this country; this 
is not my country.'' 

Again the second thought came, the same thought came here, that ''no 
matter what reason they come to me, I should teach them, teach them, 
teach them.'' So in England, it came in different words. Next day 
when I spoke in England, I said, ''One in One Hundred.'' [a plan 
teach one in one hundred people Transcendental Meditation ]. I just 
spoke out. 

'One in one hundred. I said, ''I know I am being opposed. I am 
prepared to take and swallow and digest ninety-nine people opposing 
as long as I have one person to follow me.'' The formula was in terms 
of one in one hundred. In San Francisco, the formula came, for 
whatever reason they come, I should not reject them. In England, the 
formula came, in whatever way they oppose me, I should not deter. I 
remain firm. One in one hundred, one in one hundred. And I was 
repeating that I am prepared to have 99 oppositions, as long as there 
is one word through him that we will rise up to the goal. 

'Ninety-nine people oppose me, [but] as long as there is one man. Now 
this is the second thought. That I am whispering to all of you who 
have been working with me on the techniques of knowledge. Now these 
are the two formulas, the techniques of action.' 

Global Good News will feature Part III of this address on 21 November 


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