Hee hee!  Greenspan is now "too old" to control.  He sees his end near
and is trying to "make nice with God," before he has to, you know,
look into the mirror at St. Peter's gate where only Dorian Gray would
not be surprised.  Can you imagine the black visage Meanspooge will see?

As the master of money for decades, Greenspan has as much blood on his
hands as Stalin.  Greenspan is dirty from the evil of oil, arms and
money as-controlled-by-The-Bank-Of-London; in fact, he has MORE blood
than Stalin since Greenspan has been part of every conflict on the
planet during his entire reign -- that would be reign as in KING.

I'd allow him to be waterboarded to get his secrets out in the open. 
My first question: "Whose bank account does the seinorage of the
American Dollar go into?"  Answer: the profit of printing money goes
to a private company -- The Fed.

The Queen of Britain OWNS all the mineral rights to anything in the
ground in Canada -- which produces 1/3 of all the uranium in the world
-- the ores are her private assets -- not a public trust sort of thing
-- her actual assets to do what she will with it.  Here's what she's
doing:  encouraging nuclear power plants to be built, and for massive
amounts of depleted uranium bullets to be spread around various
countries that need their population decimated by radiation caused
diseases, so that that populace doesn't have the "group health" to
mount a defense when Haliburton digs up their ores and drills for
their oil.  But, you know, we LOVE the papa-ratsies shots of their
drunken sons for our entertainment.  These boys will roam the world
with a billion bux in each pocket, and, like their demonic parents,
they'll be coming after more money and be as ruthless and calculating
as pedophiles doing so.

Bushco, Shoddy Arabia, Bunk-of-London -- FOLLOW THE MONEY.

What I take some solace in is the fact that we can still bitch about
them in public forums like this one.  For how much longer?

Probably not much.  If Bushco bombs Iran, and Iran bombs Israel, and
Israel nukes Iran back, then the terrorist-o-meter will go to
Condition Red and stay there.  Translated: Jack Baur can openly walk
the streets, point to anyone, and torture them on the spot.

Then we'll see how brave any of us are when our words of disgust here
are dredged up, and we're put on a list.  Internment camps are already
being built.

If the above sounds like Edg-the-paranoid, again, I dare anyone here
to start using traditional words of terrorism in their emails and see
how long it takes for a knock on the door.  And, to take my paranoia a
step farther, if instead of terrorist words in your emails you start
using FINANCIAL WORDS RELATING TO GLOBALISM, well, you probably won't
even hear a knock on a door -- the bullet through your brain will beat
the sound of the gun's blast.  No soup for you.

These bastards are killing innocents by the millions and intend to
denude the world of many populations.  Sorry Jews, but Hitler is not
their poster boy, cuz Hitler simply didn't dream big enough for their
kind of evil.  Hitler's evil is MINOR compared to theirs.  The
holocaust is MINOR compared to what Greenspan has overseen and
supported -- just his outrageously Ayn Rand tap dance in public with
his worship of "crisis" is evil enough to condemn him FOREVER.

Oops, someone's at my door, gotta go, will finish this posting later.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   The Killing Silence of Alan Greenspan 
>   by William Hughes
>   (Wednesday, October 3, 2007) 
> ---------------------------------
>       The Bush-Cheney Gang lied the country into the Iraq War. Now,
Alan Greenspan, the ex-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserves, has admitted: "'Everyone' knows the Iraq War was
largely about oil!" Greenspan should be forced to testify, under oath,
before a Grand Jury and/or the House Judiciary Committee about this
amazing disclosure. The American people are entitled to the truth and
the liars should be punished. 
> ---------------------------------
>     "Our lives begin to end the day we become `silent' about things
that matter." 
>   -- Martin Luther King, Jr. 
>   He held one of the highest positions that can be bestowed on a
public servant. I'm referring to Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (1987-2006). After
leaving office, he penned a tell-all book that filled his pockets with
mega-greenbacks. It's entitled, "The Age of Turbulence." In it, he
made this shocking statement: "It is politically inconvenient to
acknowledge what `everyone' knows: the Iraq War is largely about oil."
Translation: Greenspan consciously chose to remain silent about what
he now reveals was one of the true reasons for the Iraq War--oil! Why
didn't he resign his office and come clean with the American people
that a massive fraud, a war based on serial lies, was being
perpetrated on them by the Bush-Cheney Gang? [1] As of today's date,
3,808 U.S. troop have died in that conflict. 
>   Is Greenspan also suggesting that his fear of feeling "politically
inconvenient," was more important to him than exposing the cover story
of the Bush-Cheney Gang's rush to war as a lie? What did Greenspan
mean, too, when he wrote that "everyone" knows that the Iraq War is
"largely about oil?" Who in this present administration didn't know
the conflict was "largely about oil?" Were President George W. Bush,
V.P. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, John
Bolton and Paul Wolfowitz all in the loop? Greenspan should be
subpoenaed before a Federal Grand Jury and/or the House Judiciary
Committee and required to give testimony under oath with respect to
his amazing disclosure. It is a federal crime for President Bush, (and
his V.P. Cheney, too), to lie to the U.S. Congress. Both of them have
insisted repeatedly that the war in Iraq was about Saddam Hussein
having WMDs, ties to al-Qaeda, and a connection to the 9/11 tragedy.
We now know their cover story was a
>  smokescreen and a lie. (1) So, what were the real reasons for the
war? The American people are entitled to straight answers and the
liars deserve to be severely punished. 
>   In fact, H. Res. 333, authored by Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH),
which calls for the impeachment of the grossly callous Cheney, now has
21 sponsors. In Article 1 of that historic document, it is charged
that Cheney, Halliburton's favorite gofer, deliberately fabricated "a
threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction" in order to justify the
invasion, destruction and occupation of that beleaguered country. [2]
It is estimated that a million Iraqis have died in that blood stained
conflict and that another 3.7 million have been made refugees. It is
arguable that the Iraq War is a "War of Aggression" under the holdings
of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and that it constitutes a "War Crime." [3] 
>   Rep. Kucinich has also attacked the dastardly scheme of the
Bush-Cheney Gang to "privatize" Iraq's huge oil reserves. Under the
plot, about 65 percent of Iraq's oil would go to the global oil
companies, especially the U.S. and the British-based ones. He has
labeled it "a theft" and a "War Crime." [4] Rep. Kucinich has been
supported in his efforts to block this skullduggery by many Iraqi Oil
Workers, the AFL-CIO and U.S. Labor Against the War. [5] 
>   Back to Greenspan. If he is required to testify under oath--and I
think he should be--and if his testimony shows that Cheney was one of
the culprits who knew the war was "largely about oil," it could begin
a steamroll in the House of Representatives for the V.P.'s
impeachment, and eventual removal from public office for committing
"High Crimes and Misdemeanors." Cheney, after his ouster, might also
face a criminal indictment, and if convicted, imprisonment. If
anything, the House's passage of "Article of Impeachment" against
Cheney could stop this criminally reckless administration from nuking
Iran and starting WWIII. [6] 
>   Another question comes up: How could Greenspan sleep at night
knowing that so much death and mayhem in Iraq was happening, not
because of a purported need for "regime change," but because a Special
Interest, "Big Oil," wished to enrich its bottom line? And, what
exactly did Greenspan mean when he said the Iraq War was "largely"
about oil? What else did he know it was about? When I mention Special
Interests, like the "Military Industrial Complex" and the "Israel
Lobby," does that refresh his memory? 
>   In his tome, "Sorrows of Empire," Professor Chalmers Johnson made
the case for those three cited Special Interests coming together to
push for the illegal and immoral Iraq War. In his follow-up book,
"Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic," he detailed the
disastrous consequences of the militarism let loose by the Bush-Cheney
Gang, not only for its many victims, but for our fading Republic. He
sees our fate for years to come embracing "perpetual war, a collapse
of constitutional government, endemic official lying, and
disinformation and finally bankruptcy." 
>   There is a passage in Professor Johnson's book, "Nemesis," that
has relevance to Greenspan's failure to speak out. He quotes a
question from a Canadian political commentator, Adam Young. Mr. Young
asked: "How did the chief magistrate of a confederated republic
degrade into the global tyrant we experience today, part secular pope,
part military despot, part pseudo-philsopher-king and full-time
overbearing global gangster?" Let me submit that Bush had a lot of
accomplices, along with Cheney, in and outside the government. Author
Johnson puts the blame partly on the "atrophying of the legislative
and judicial branches." He also added how an imperial presidency and
the rabid militarism (737 military bases located in 130 countries)
have turned "many of the organs of our `free press' into Pravda-like
>   I submit that Greenspan, and others of his ilk, are clearly part
of this problem. Like other White House intimates, he had a high duty
to tell the truth about the real reasons why the Bush-Cheney Gang was
taking the country into war. If he didn't want to come clean himself,
he could have told his wife, Andrea Mitchell, a senior correspondent
for NBC-TV News. And, if he did tell her, and she didn't want to go on
record about it, she could just as easily given that information to
one of her favorite elected politicians--Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA).
Mitchell and Specter knew each other when Specter was a District
Attorney in Philadelphia, PA, and she was then a reporter for a local
television station. 
>   Instead, Greenspan failed miserably in his primary obligation to
the people. He had a fiduciary responsibility to his fellow Americans
that he ignored. Greenspan went along with the White House's flagrant
deceptions, even after Irving "Scooter" Libby was convicted of lying
to a Grand Jury and to the FBI. [7] And the lies of the Bush-Cheney
Gang just go on and on. Bush's "Surge" ploy is just another big lie.
Today, Bush and Cheney are lying about why we need to attack Iran. The
lies are so pervasive, that novelist Norman Mailer's quote rings even
truer. He said: "Each day a few more lies eat into the seed from which
we were born." 
>   I say: Damn the malicious lies of the Bush-Cheney Gang, and damn
weasels, like Greenspan. He went along with the liars and the lies of
the Bush-Cheney Gang, because he insisted that it was "politically
inconvenient" to tell the American people the full truth. Meanwhile,
our brave troops are continuing to die in the Iraq War, while more
than 27,000 have come home after being seriously wounded. And, on top
of all that, the country is wasting $8 billion a month in the Iraq
hell hole. And, all for what? DAMNABLE LIES
> ---------------------------------
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