Dear Sharester:  Huh?  We are like two parallel lines traveling through the 
universe, you and I.  So, you *did* pray for Judy to post out?  *You* said it - 
I was joking in my post, just so you know - acknowledging your recent posts to 
her in a humorous way. 

No, you don't understand The Context, but neither do I...I think one had to be 
there.  It was an experiential thing. I *do* begin to understand what Robin is 
saying and an intro like that would have helped the story, but that's not what 
it was about.  It was simply, in my view, Bill working to understand and 
document his life.  The book has merit and I thank him for sharing it.  I don't 
project what was in the book on Robin today.  If I was judged on my activities 
30 years ago, I might just be getting out of prison right now. There is grace 
and I don't know why I escaped that fate, but I did and went on to mainstream 
and have children and be faced with my lack of compassion.  Wasn't Ann's 
response simply the most beautiful thing you've read here in a long time?  I 
had a good long cry, I really did.  

Twisting?  Share, I have realized that you are a literal person and don't 
understand my humor.  It's O.K. I will work hard not to confuse you in the 
future, but I actually think we are at a stopping point here.  I am so sorry 
that you have chosen to subvert my individuality and refuse to acknowledge me 
in any way that doesn't assume I am part of a cult and working in cahoots with 
my cult buddies.  Way to avoid your responsibility - it's demeaning, 
debiliting, degrading, and destabilizing (define destabilizing for me, will 
you?).  Are you in Unity?  Is this the problem?  You see me and everyone else 
in wts as one?   

I am praying for "complete healing" for you.  On second thought, 
"*Frankenstein*" (I should replace the word "fuck" with something more 
amenable, don't you think? I'm so uncouth with my appreciation of sailor's 
talk), I simply pray for miracles, miracles, sweetheart, miracles.  
Compassionately, Emily.  

 From: Share Long <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] from Judy and now from Share

Emily are you saying that I prayed dear God, please break Judy's Comcast?!  
Let's fantasize for a moment that I knew she has Comcast and I did.  Then my 
bad.  But God's bad too.  Right?  And or reality's bad.  And Comcast's bad 
too.  And maybe even Barry's bad because in the Now he expressed gratitude 
about it.  How about Judy's bad?  Any of that in the equation?  

And by the same logic did my alleged prayers cause Hurricane Sandy?!  Wow,
 I didn't know my prayers were so powerful.  And according to your buddies 
aren't I supposedly out of touch with reality?  Then how could reality possibly 
answer any prayers of mine?!

Going deeper, if reality or God did answer my prayers, does that mean something 
positive about me or does that mean something negative about me?  Your post 
implies the latter.  But supposedly it means that my personal ontology is well 
aligned with reality.  In this Context it can't really have both a positive and 
a negative meaning about me.  Right?  But perhaps in this regard I've not 
properly understood the Context.

dear FFL, this is exactly the kind of twisting of ideas that makes me question 
the so called honesty of those who are so negative towards me.  It's not that 
they're negative.  It's that out of their bias, they twist and distort even 
simple logic and even their own ideas.

And yes, I sent up 2 or 3 one liners to God that Judy would post out.  Why 
wouldn't I?!  Now return to the sentence Then my bad in the first paragraph 
above and simply continue reading. 

PS to Emptybill: I tried to apply the so what sutra to this.  I failed.  My bad 

 From: Emily Reyn <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 1:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] from Judy

Judy sent me a private communique - to thank me for supporting her in full wts 
style (she has, of course, badly misinterpreted me as I am fully engaged in 
refuting this phenomenon and I will be the first to call her on this egregious 
misinterpretation on her part) - and to ask me to let ya'll know that her 
Comcast is on the fritz and she will be quiet until it is restored.  Share, 
reality has answered your prayers.  Judy, the non-existent wts crowd wishes 
your internet a speedy recovery.  


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