We are aware that some groups are experiencing a duplicate post
problem and are working on a fix. Please refer to the Yahoo! Groups
Team Blog at < http://blog.360.yahoo.com/y_groups_team > for the
latest information on this issue.

post from Yahoo Groups Blog: 

Duplicate Messages and Email Delivery

    Update (8:00 am PST, 3/29): A fix was pushed at midnight (Pacific
Time) that we believe has resolved the problem for messages submitted
after that time. However, it is possible that some users of some
groups may have continued to receive duplicates of messages that were
posted before midnight.

    We're aware of the duplicate message bug that began affecting
groups today (Wednesday, March 28th) and are working to resolve the
issue (a side effect of this bug is that some messages are also being
delayed). We have actually pushed two fixes already, but we are aware
that some groups are still experiencing the problem and that more
needs to be done to fully resolve the issue.

    There is, however, one silver lining to this bug. It was the
result of our latest system updates intended to improve email delivery
speeds. So once the bugs are resolved, we should see a significant
reduction in the time it takes to deliver messages to Yahoo! Groups

    We will update this blog entry as soon as we have more definitive
information on the status of this issue.

    Thank you and our apologies for any inconvenience caused by the
duplicate messages.

    The Yahoo! Groups Team

    P.S. It would be helpful to get reports of duplicate issues if
your groups are still experiencing the problem with messages submitted
(not received) after 8:00 pm PST. If so, please add a comment to the
bug letting us know the name of your group and the message numbers of
the duplicate messages. Thanks!

    Wednesday March 28, 2007 - 08:10pm (PDT) 

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