Ordinarily I don't like to play middleman, but someone asked me to post
this, and in a weak moment, I said yes:


I came up with an idea of what's opposite of the Unified Field. Since in
John Hagelin's (a world reknowned quantum physicist) work he says the
Unified Field is pure knowledge, I imagine the opposite would be
not-knowingness. Also since the Unified Field is everything I imagine the
opposite would be Nothing. However this nothing is something as it would
have to be manifest with boundaries. I haven't come up with the answers to
this yet but somehow it is still connected to the Unified Field. Also this
is way out there but in Meta-physics they talk about polarities in the
universe, Love and Fear; Love being all there is and fear being false
evidence appearing real. However, this fear, would still be something as a
concept. Once again in Hagelin's work he refers to Hidden Sector matter
being what thoughts are made out of. Maybe this is how the nothing gets
created. This is totally intellectual, but, if nothingness (Shain McVay
Matter) was from a concept, maybe that's created from John Hagelin's hidden
sector matter idea. (You can find this on the internet). Maybe a concept is
nothing and it is relative to the Unified Field; picture the Unified Field
in 3D with something going out of it toward you. This matter sits onto of
the Unified Field, I see this in my head btw. I believe it's in another


Also I was thinking about the first dimension and a light was there, like
you would see in a tunnel. Then I saw my grandpa waving at me tell me it's
okay to come to him. Then when I entered I saw the Heavens going out like a
triangular thing. then I looked to the side and saw Shain McVay Matter and
saw that it was me all along. 


Anyways, have a good one FairfieldLife

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