From: [] On 
Behalf Of wgm4u
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 4:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pandora's Promise



I'm glad you at least watched it Rick (to your credit), it is a compelling 

It is compelling, and I repeat, makes some valid points. But it’s definitely a 
propaganda piece. Wolf Blitzer hosted a discussion right after it in which many 
of its flaws were exposed.

---In <> , 
<rick@... <mailto:rick@...> > wrote:

Very effective propaganda. I’m sure it makes valid points, but it makes no 
attempt to be objective. Here are some rebuttals. 





A Beyond Nuclear Report 

❒ <> 

(Full report available on the Beyond Nuclear website)

The impetus for this two-page summary document and the full report referenced 
above, was 

the release in July 2013 of the pro-nuclear propaganda film, Pandora’s Promise. 
The film, like 

the nuclear industry propaganda in circulation generally, both omits and 
misrepresents key facts 

in order to cover up the very real dangers and detriments of nuclear energy. 
These documents 

serve to rebut the misleading messaging about dirty, dangerous and expensive 
nuclear power.



Nuclear power, no matter the reactor design, cannot address climate change in 

time. In order to displace a significant amount of carbon-emitting fossil-fuel 

generation, another 1,000 to 1,500 new 1,000+ Megawatt reactors would need to 

come on line worldwide by 2050, a completely prohibitive proposition. 


So-called “Generation IV” reactor designs, including 

“fast” or “small modular 

reactors,” are the last gasp of a failing industry. Earlier versions of the 

breeder reactor were commercial failures and safety disasters. 

The ever soaring 

costs make nuclear power a financial quagmire for investors, and expensive new 

prototypes commercially unattractive. 


Proponents of the Integral Fast Reactor, such as those in

Pandora’s Promise


overlook the exorbitant costs; proliferation risks; that it is decades away 

deployment; that it would not so much consume radioactive waste as 

theoretically transmute it; and that its use of sodium as a coolant can lead to 

and explosions. 


The continued daily use of nuclear energy means continued risk of radiation 

exposure to surrounding populations. Ionizing radiation released by nuclear 

power plants, either routinely or in large amounts after an accident, causes 

cellular damage and mutations in DNA, which in turn can lead to cancers and 

other illnesses. Children are particularly vulnerable and their leukemia rates 

been shown to rise the closer they live to an operating nuclear power reactor.


Low-ball health predictions after nuclear accidents are not reliable. The 2005 

IAEA/WHO Chernobyl report has been discredited for suppressing key data to 

justify low death predictions that do not stand up to scientific scrutiny. IAEA 

a conflict of interest with a mandate to promote nuclear technology. Given the 

latency period of cancers caused by radiation exposure, it is too soon to 

the long-term health impacts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, although some 

health effects are already being observed. 



The alleged “failure” of renewable energy sources to supplant coal, oil, 

and natural gas in the US is less a technological defect than a result of the 

enormous lobbying power of the traditional energy industries. In 2008, the 

Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) spent $2,360,000 lobbying Congress, their 

tally to date. This political barrier flies in the face of numerous studies 
that show 

wind and solar energy alone could produce orders of magnitude more electricity 

than currently used by US consumers and industry.


The example of Germany — and numerous studies — demonstrate that both 

coal and nuclear can be phased out in favor of renewable energy. The German 

renewable energy sector already employs 380,000 people compared to 30,000 in 

the nuclear energy sector.


The argument that only nuclear provides “carbon-free,” base load energy is out 

of date. Geothermal and offshore wind energy are capable of delivering reliable 

base load power with a smaller carbon footprint than nuclear energy. Energy 

efficiency is also an essential component in displacing nuclear and coal.


Myths about the French nuclear program abound. Only 4% of the country’s 

high-level radioactive waste has been vitrified and stored. Given its 80% 
dependency on nuclear power, when droughts and heat waves force reactors to 

power down or close, France has no other options and is forced to import 

electricity. France has an enormous, unsolved waste problem with no repository; 

a huge extra expense due to its misadventure with fast breeder reactors; and a 

radiological legacy from its 210 abandoned uranium mines which continue to 

pollute the environment today. 


There is no such thing as a “pro-nuclear environmentalist.” Environmentalists 

do not support extractive, non-sustainable industries like nuclear energy, 

poisons the environment; releases cancer-causing radioactive elements; creates 

radioactive waste deadly for thousands of years and, if there is an accident, 

render vast areas permanent sacrifice zones


dependency on nuclear power, when droughts and heat waves force reactors to 

power down or close, France has no other options and is forced to import 

electricity. France has an enormous, unsolved waste problem with no repository; 

a huge extra expense due to its misadventure with fast breeder reactors; and a 

radiological legacy from its 210 abandoned uranium mines which continue to 

pollute the environment today. 


There is no such thing as a “pro-nuclear environmentalist.” Environmentalists 

do not support extractive, non-sustainable industries like nuclear energy, 

poisons the environment; releases cancer-causing radioactive elements; creates 

radioactive waste deadly for thousands of years and, if there is an accident, 

render vast areas permanent sacrifice zones.

A publication of: 

Beyond Nuclear, 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 400,Takoma Park, MD 20912. 

Te l : 3 0 1 . 2 7 0 . 2 2 0 9 . 


. <> 

May 2013.



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