--- yagyax wrote:
> Obviously, the 
> false "I" does vanish but this is only one component
> of what makes up 
> a person, which distinguishes one person from
> another: MMY is not 
> SSRS, etc. 

  -- Peter wrote:
What distinguishes MMY from SSRS are space/time
qualities. Of course these are different from one
another. They have distinct personalities shaped by
genes and environmental factors. But what they "are,"
what is there instead of a separate sense of "me" is
exactly the same as one another-just consciousness.

  Bronte writes:  No, not exactly the same. Each individual is a UNIQUE IMPULSE 
of Creative Intelligence, a unique thought in Divine Mind. Just as every 
snowflake, while having the same basic structure, is fundamentally unique. Each 
soul has its own propensities, based not just on its worldly experience but on 
the very impulse that is its essential individual nature. Each person was sent 
into the world with its own "divine mission" to accomplish, its own perspective 
to explore the world with, beaming back information to Computer Central, which 
is Cosmic Mind. Through us, the Infinite explores and continually creates the 
world -- or wrecks it, if we, Its instruments, forget the nature of the 
  The nature of the arrangement is that we were meant to stay in touch with 
Computer Central while identifying with our work as individual "probes" here 
below. Most people in the world go awry by losing touch with Computer Central 
-- they become renegade probes, feeding off of the energy supply of their 
Source, but losing their ability to be directed by it. Spiritual people usually 
go awry by going to the opposite extreme: so strongly identifying with Computer 
Central that they no longer function well as probes. Imaging saying "I do not 
exist" when you've got a job to do. Or "I do not identify with my mission" when 
Computer Central is trying like heck to get the darn contraption to respond.   
  Yagyax wrote:
> That's what makes up an individual, in
> the broadest sense 
> or definition.

  Peter wrote:
No. What makes up an individual is not the space time
"parts" of a personality, but the subjective sense of
"I" that is identified with those parts. In
Realization, all the parts are still there, but that
identity is completely gone. Everything is still there
as before, but now there is no subjective "I" that can
be located. What has occured is the cessation of
consciousness identifying with mind. 

  Bronte writes:
  Individual "I" is so much more than a collection of personality parts. It is 
a divine impulse of consciousness, a unique and eternal thought in the mind of 
the Great One. A thought that can apparently think itself into dissolution, 
because it has that freedom.  
  Yagyax wrote:
> In this broad context, rocks can be "individuals"
> since each of them 
> differs from the others. 
  Peter wrote:
  Rocks have no self-referential consciousness so they
are not individuals.,_._,___                         
Bronte writes:
  How do you know, Peter? Were you ever a rock?

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