Bob Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 4-DEC-2008 11:06:04.06

>Bob Goodwin wrote:
>> Bob Goodwin wrote:
>>> I have a problem with the F-10 keyboard producing the wrong codes.  
>>> XEV displays keycode 104 when I press the down arrow on this F-9 box 
>>> but on the F-10 box it shows 116.  116 is normally one of the Windows 
>>> keys [next to the RH ALT key] which I normally have mapped [via 
>>> xkeycaps] to produce a degree symbol.
>>> I tell xkeycaps that it's a PC 104 key keyboard and things usually 
>>> work, not with F-10, I press the down cursor key and get a degree 
>>> symbol!
>>> Any suggestions appreciated.
>>> Bob
>> Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
>> I also had problems with keyboard layouts in X after installing F10. 
>> Not your specific situation, but you may want to take a look at bug 
>> to see the problem 
>> and the solution. It may give you some idea on how to fix yours.
>> []'s
>> Marcelo
>> No, I didn't find anything helpful there, language is already set 
>> correctly as US English.
>> But I have proved that the problem is triggered when xmodmap is run.  
>> If I run it to remap just one key it appears my keyboard layout is 
>> corrupted and worst of all remapping the RH Windows key [#116] to the 
>> degree° symbol renders the down cursor key [#104] useless, it becomes 
>> a degree key in addition to 116?
>> This is only a problem on the F-10 computer.  These are changes I have 
>> made routinely in every version of Fedora!
>> I will put off upgrading this F-9 computer for a while since that 
>> problem precludes such things as disabling the Caps Lock key and I am 
>> a lousy typist.
>> Bob
>    This morning I tried booting the computer from the F-9 Live Gnome CD
>    and things appear to work normally after I enter  /usr/bin/xmodmap
>    -e 'keycode 116=degree'
>    The Windows key to the right of the right hand ALT key now produces
>    a "°" [degree] symbol while the cursor down arrow key still
>    functions normally.
>    It would be informative if someone else running F-10 would try
>    duplicating my problem by entering:
>    /usr/bin/xmodmap -e 'keycode 116=degree' and see if they get the
>    degree symbol and if the down arrow still works normally?
>    The F-10 in question was installed from the live CD but I would not
>    expect that to make any difference.
>    Thanks.
>    Bob

I found many problems on F10 when using xmodmap. I'm not sure if xmodmap is
to blame or changed keycodes. If I run xkeycaps and press keys I see for
some keys the "wrong" keys highlighted. The "right-Alt" is one of the
problem keys. However with xkeycaps you can find out the "new" keycode and
addapt the .xmodmap file or xmodmap command to it.
Saving a .xmodmap file from xkeycaps will give problems.


Pecunia olet!


  Jouk Jansen

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