On Wed, 23 Dec 2009, birger wrote:

As a complete noob regarding studio work, mixers, effects and the whole
'audio workstation' thing I would love to see a little documentation
holding my hand through the first configuration steps. Something that
tells me how to do it for the latest Fedora release so I know I am not
following incompatible howtos for different applications and different

Even if this mailing list is a good initiative, there is not much traffic (yet). Hopefully this will change in the future ?

My advice: also take a look at PlanetCCRMA.
1. Do a google search for "Planet CCRMA Fedora" or something like that and do some reading. 2. Install the Planet CCRMA yum repo. The Planet CCRMA website will tell you why and how. 3. Join also the planet-ccrma mailinglist. There are a lot of friendly and helpful people there, both experienced people and newbies sharing one passion: using Fedora to make music.

Read and learn more about the real time kernel, about (not) using pulseaudio, alsa, jack, configurations, and things like that.

For serious music making many Fedora musicians use a combination of the Fedora repositories, planet-ccrma, and rpmfusion-free/nonfree repositories.



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