> Hi Stefania!  Beautiful  pictures of Trudi, Natale and
> Babette.  I just love Babette's ID card!  I hope Trude
> is well now.

Natale is actually Christmas! :-))

My cats are Trudi, Miro, Ginny and Babette. I also have a visiting cat who I 
call Gigio, but you cannot touch him.

About thyroid: I will ask the vet, tomorrow, when I'll go there.
I noticed that today Trudi's hair is smoother (yesterday I used a wet tissue to 
clean her, without any shamppo, only water), but she keeps on licking herself 
on the chest and forearms. It happens more in the evening.

About the mouth: she is better. The new vet to whom I took her, gave me Orozyme.
I used it yesterday, but the nose and mouth seemed better also before it.
I also gave her Baytril yesterday and today.

I don't understand if the fact that she has a positive ELISA plus a positive 
PCR test indicates that she is in the viremic phase, i.e. she has just catched 
the FeLV. This could be consistent with the new cat coming here, even is she 
has been tested negative at ehe age of 4 moths (2 moths ago). She maybe wasn't 
negative and since she was living in a shelter...

Tomorrow I will have her re-tested together with Ginny and I'll have the total 


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