This is what I posted to the list yesterday.
I will resend sorry to those that have already seen this!
Okay we are back...but guess what now Vinnie is sick!  :(
First Dukee,
Dukee has a heart murmur grade Vet also specializes in Cardiology. He took blood will know the results tomorrow afternoon. Dukee has a fever of 103.8
I had a total blood panel done on him. This was sent out not done on site.
Even though he has tested negative in the past it doesn't mean he can't get the Felv/Fiv virus as he indicated. He said when they get ill they can show the symptoms of this and it can also be in their bone marrow. So he sent home some Amoxi drops to give him for the fever. However he is eating some and drinking some water. I gave him some snacks in which he ate some. My Vet is hopeful that it may not be the horrible Felv/Fiv but he says you never know. He also said FIP is on the rise that he has seen a lot of it recently by prior patients that have died. Their owners had the necropsy done.
Secondly Vinnie is has been throwing up and has diarrhea his stomach is like it is full and hard. He is aware of his surroundings and very loving. Still eating and drinking. I'm not able to get him into the Vet until Saturday morning. If I have to I will take him to ER in dire need.
He is 6 yrs old and my husband's baby. My husband doesn't know any of the news yet pertaining to the cats. He will be devastated on Vinnie if there is anything wrong. He knows Vinnie has thrown up some. As much as I hate to say but I always hope that my husband goes first before his Vinnie. This man is extremely close to this cat. I don't want either one of them to go but I'm speaking of reality. Afraid husband will clam up if you know what I mean.
"Vinnie is also in the photo contest. If you like I can send a photo of him and Dukee if you like to see them. Send me an email I would love to send their photos to you!"
Since, I'm the caregiver/companion of the cats I pay attention of what goes on around them whether it's eating, drinking, playing, or sleeping, using the litter-boxes, and plus all their bad or good habits.
I don't think I can handle more bad news at this time. With the recent loss of my Sam and my daughter's kitty Gutt. With my move home being damaged on the new property and my husband being sick on top of it.
My husband has Liver Failure and Hep C....he recently had shoulder surgery back in July had complications from that as well. He is doing better will return back to work on the first of Nov. That is great news for me. We will have stable income coming in.
My rescue has been put on hold as hard it has been hard on me not being able to help all the Siamese needing homes.
Sorry so long but needed to vent/shed a few tears a bit in hopes to make myself feel better so when my husband comes home from helping his friends working on a truck...I can talk to him without losing it.
Thank you for hearing me guys are awesome and the best!
So please send good vibes our way in hopes Dukee and Vinnie are alright.
Belinda can you add these two to the list for prayers and such!
In a message dated 10/20/2006 9:31:03 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

How did Dukee's vet visit go yesterday?  I hope you
got good news.


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