Congrats on the new addition!!  I know what you mean about a companion!
 We felt so bad for our dog, Oscar, as he was getting a little older
(from puppyhood) and had no one to play with!  He tried "playing" with
the cats...but large, floppy puppy feet weren't the cats' idea of "a
good time."  So we took him to Petsmart where a local rescue group was
adopting out their cats and dogs...I had seen a wonderful dog on that the group was caring for...she fit all my criteria: 
an adult, a girl, *house-trained* (I wasn't going through that again! 
;)  ), and, most importantly, good with cats!  When Oscar met Lucy, it
was love at first site and they haven't been separated for more than a
few minutes since!  And Lucy is just such a wonderful's so hard
to believe that someone could abandon her!  :(  We take the dogs with us
for the 1200 mile journey home to Chicago for X-mas...whenever I talk to
my mom beforehand, she always mentions how excited she is to see Lucy
 (I have to remind her that *I'm* coming home, too!  ;)  ).

And the water garden has quickly become my new obsession!  Just a few
goldfish, some snails and a few plants (I've got a beautiful flowering
plant...kinda like bluebonnets, and a gorgeous water lily), a little
japanese bamboo water spout and *poof* instant mini-ecosystem!  :)  It's
a great stress-reliever!

Oh!  And I wouldn't be surprised if the little one-eyed cat is waiting
for you when she's ready for adoption!!  What a little sweetheart!  My
mom has a one-eyed girl...depth perception was an issue initially, but
once Willie got the hang of it, she's just like all the others!  :)

"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

----- Original Message -----
From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 8:42 am
Subject: Re: TESTING

> What a great idea Jen.  I agree, no news is good news
> here!  
> Everything is going well here in Dallas.  We just got
> two days of serious rain, which was BADLY needed.  My
> husband and I went to the animal shelter Saturday, in
> the rain, to adopt another Akita for the one we
> rescued in the fall.  We felt he needed a companion
> since we're at work all day.  They get along famously.
> We also brought in to the shelter a little brown
> Chihuahua that had followed us home two weeks ago.  He
> was a really good dog, but deserved to be an inside
> dog, and plus, our Akita was really too big to play
> with him.  We made a report at the pound, called all
> the local vets, and checked postings at the two pet
> stores, but couldn't find the owner.  We think he
> belonged to one of the two families that just moved
> out of our neighborhood.  The lady there assured us
> that he would be adopted out immediately since people
> were constantly looking for little dogs.  He was
> adopted an hour after we left the shelter.  
> While I was at the shelter, I fell in love with this
> kitten.  She looks almost like my Cricket that I lost
> in November, black with a long, fluffy tail, and very
> playful.  She was really sweet.  When I took her out
> of the cage, she wrapped her little arms around my
> neck and just purred like crazy.  She was SO loving. 
> Unfortunately, she had to have her right eye removed
> due to what the shelter believes was one of those cat
> in the car engine accidents.  I gave them my number,
> and they're going to call me as soon as her stitches
> are out and she's posted for adoption.  If she doesn't
> get adopted out within a week or so, I am going to get
> her.  I told my husband.  He doesn't want another cat
> in the house, as we already have three, but I know
> when he sees her (he was playing with the dogs when we
> were there Saturday and didn't get to see her), he
> will understand.  She's a love.
> I hope everyone is doing well here.  And of course,
> all their furbabies.  We all deserve a break from the
> chaos that is illness.  
> :)
> Wendy
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