Sending lots of healing vibes for Sebastian. I pray the acupuncture--or the tests if you go that route--helps him. I think the fact he's enjoying eating is a great sign---so often I've been desperate (in what turned out to be their last days) for mine just to show some--any--interest in food, but they never did regain their appetite. So Sebastian's healthy appetite is a wonderful thing! love and hugs to you and Sebastian--what a brave, gutsy little guy. Kerry
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 5:11 PM
Subject: Ceasar

I am praying that all goes well Hideyo.  Keep me updated.


I would love the link for the carts.  Sebastian does have feeling in his back legs.  I will definately try acupuncture.  Thanks, Jennifer and Sebastian


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