Hey Jamie,

That's a wonderful story about your sister and the cats!  Joe DIrt and
Office Space are 2 of my favorites, too!  One of the guys here at work and
I have a running bit about 'where's my stapler'....


                      com                      To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]           
                      Sent by:                 cc:                                     
                      owner-felvtalk@vl        Subject:  Re: Multiple: Karen's teeth, 
Haney, Mullets.....and, 
                      ists.net                  another abandoned cat                  
                      09/06/2002 05:57                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                

Funny you should say that- Joe Dirt is viewed in our home at least once a
week.  That show is SOOOOOO funny!  When I get mad at Abe I always tell him
"go in there and work on falling down, I'll be there in a minute."  There
are so many "Jamie-esque" lines in that movie!  That and Office Space are
about worn out!

I have never heard of Kinky.  Sorry!

I hope you get the peeing cat settled in ok.  My sister-in-law bought her
house in Oklahoma City a few years ago and inherited the cat.  The sick
owner made certain that the contract stipulated that "Kitty Puss" went with
the house and regular vet care would be provided by the new owner or he
wouldn't sell.  She is also indoor/outdoor and he didn't think she would
stick around if they moved her to a new home.  So the son told Laney that
he didn't think the cat would live much longer b/c she was so old, and
Laney said it was fine, she didn't mind.  She only has dogs, but one cat
wasn't a big deal.  So 5 years later Kitty is still kicking!  The other cat
is real old too (the bird chaser cat) and her name is Neighbors Cat.  They
didn't take care of her, so Laney did.  When someone would ask if she got
another cat she'd say, "no that's the neighbor's cat" and so that's how she
got her name.  The neighbors moved 3 years ago and she STILL says that!
Kitty Puss has a burial plot a!
t some ranch owned by the guy Laney bought the house from.  When she dies
Laney has to arrange for her burial!  That is so cool to me.  :)


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