Re: Just found out.Sqeaky is FeLV Positive

2004-08-20 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Steve, What a terrible blow indeed; I am so sorry you had this dreadful news. I think your plan to take one vet visit at a time is a good one. What test did they do? The ELISA (in office) or the IFA (sent out to a lab)? There ARE false positive results on the ELISA and not to get your hopes

Yet more interferon info

2004-08-25 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi everyone, A few months ago there was an article in the unversity newspaper (where I work) regarding Dr. Philip Marcus and his contributions to the isolation of human interferon. He's widely regarded as the 'father' of isolating interferon. I wrote to him and thanked him for his pioneering work

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone

2004-11-23 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Friends, I haven't posted in quite a while but I wanted to let you all know that you are always in my thoughts. Thank you to Joan for the funny emails, to Anne for keeping me up-to-date on Sophie, and to Paolo for everything. It's been a rough few months and I've been so overwhelmed that I

Re: Happy Thanksgiving, Julie

2004-11-24 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Kerry! How wonderful to hear from you; I've missed you all so much! I think there must be another Julie Johnson (uh-oh, hubby won't be happy to hear that there are TWO of us!!) because I don't recall writing a letter to Concious Choice. Things HAVE been hectic,though..wonder what else I

Re: Update on Maggie!

2004-11-24 Thread Julie Johnson
Jen, what wonderful (negative) news for Maggie! Poor girl must have been sidelined for a while with that pelvic fracture. Occasionally if it's a clean break, nothing is done surgically and only cage rest is prescribed, so I guess Maggie was 'lucky' in the type of break she had. She sure is lucky

Re: Hello All

2004-11-24 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi John, I'm sorry to hear about Tux's seizure problems. I have a cat (Mojo) who had toxoplasmosis and did suffer some neurological damage; he has been prone to viral illnesses all his life (he was from a litter of very sickly kittens) and he, too, has repeatedly tested negative for FeLV. I think

Re: Belinda, can you please add Caramel to the Candlelight Service

2004-11-29 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Kerry, My heart goes out to you at this terrible time. I know that Caramel is now free from pain and he is lounging on a big, fluffy cloud watching over you as you watched over him. It is so natural to second-guess yourself; we all do that, no matter what course we choose. If we choose to

Re: Update on the Virbagen, it's here!

2004-11-29 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Nina, I am literally holding my breath for updates! My prayers are on the way for Grace and Jazz. After the remarkable results that Paolo's Micia experienced, I have held tremendous hope for this medication. I hope that it is the miracle we have been waiting for. You and your kitties are

Re: Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone

2004-11-29 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Terrie, I'm so sorry to hear of all that you and your hubby have been through, too! How terrible! I'm glad to hear that you were negative for Hep C and wish your hubby all the best as he battles this along with everything else. I don't know about you, but sometimes I just have to wonder,

Re: please add ezra to the service

2004-11-29 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Anne, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope your memories will comfort you until you are reunited with Ezzie. How fortunate she was to have crossed paths with you and had four years of love. I know how dreadfully you must be missing her. I will light a candle for her tonight. Take care,

Pharmaceutical Resource

2004-11-30 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Everyone, Yesterday's discussion of different anti-biotics and their uses led me to look around a bit for a resource we could all use and I do like this one: You can click on the medication and get information regarding how it works, when


2004-11-30 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Friends, I agree with all that has been said on this subject. In my opinion, when suffering is involved, natural death is highly overrated. Obviously, I've only been a spectator, butI am grateful that I have the option to end the life of a beloved animal companion, when I, as the person who

Re: OT:This is adorable! Humor for the day that we need from time to time!

2004-11-30 Thread Julie Johnson
Thanks, Terrie! I need the extra-large dose o'humor! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is so link below! Have a great day Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!More will be posted

Re: OT: a little humor

2004-11-30 Thread Julie Johnson
OH NO! Terrie, it looks like me, too! Not enough cats, of course, and I have leopard-print pajama bottoms, but other than that... Too funny![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That looks like me! That is certainly humorous...but it also fits others that I know. I have passed it on to others to see.

Re: Grace is doing great!

2004-12-03 Thread Julie Johnson
Nina, What fantastic news! I have everything crossed! JulieNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I had to post just one more time tonight. I got up from the computer and was greeted by the sight of Grace racing through the house! She's acting like a kitten again. She hasn't felt this good in what seems

Re: Mandy

2004-12-03 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Sheila, I am brokenhearted at your loss; I know what you and your husband are going through and it's what every one of us dreads. I hope that in time you will both be comforted by 15 years worth of wonderful memories. Take care of yourselves and know you are not alone. Sending you both big

Sophie and Bootsie

2004-12-03 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Anne! What a relief to log on and find that Sophie had appeared! I had a scare with Bootsie (the five outside cats are evidently trying to KILL me!) who did not come home Tuesday night and was missing until yesterday afternoon. I had to be at work at 5:30 yesterday morning for a software

Re: kurt needing help

2004-12-03 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Macarena, Good thoughts and best wishes on the way for you and Kurt! Poor fellow sounds like he's having a very bad time. Have you tried to tempt him with some cooked chicken or the like? Keeping everything crossed. Love, Julie hello everybody, i ave been mostly lurking lately, and as

Re: sudden kitten death - addition to CLS

2004-12-03 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Rachel, I'm so sorry for your loss. It must have been a terrible shock to you to come home and find Endora. Poor little soul; I'm glad she was able to share her too-short life for you. It's possible that FeLV had nothing to do with her death. Kittens can be quite fragile (despite all

Re: Hi Everyone..New with FeLu+ Kitty

2004-12-03 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Micael, Belinda has give you excellent advice! I'm so happy you opened up your home and heart to this fellow! The nose/eye congestion could be feline herpes; it can look very much like an URI and sometimes will even accompany one. Lysine interferes with the replication of herpes virus and is


2004-12-09 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Rachel, I am so sorry for your loss of Avalina. I hope that the time you had together and your memories of her will be a comfort to you. My thoughts are with you and I will light a candle tonight. Take care of yourself. Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more

Good Wishes for Simon

2004-12-09 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle, What a terrible time of it you and Simon have had. As I read on, I was delighted to hear that he was doing better and I hope that he will soon be home with you. I know the utter, absolute joy one feels when visiting a sick animal in the hospital and having them eat your offering!


2004-12-09 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Ong, Welcome, and thanks forposting all the reference links. The information you have shared so far is very interesting and adds a great deal to our information base. We all come from varied and diverse backgrounds and I certainly do not have a scientific background. I often ask my husband,

Re: adoption frustration

2004-12-09 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Melissa, I hope you had the ice cream and have started off today with a brownie! It's maddening beyond words and every time that sort of thing happens to us, I try and console myself with the fact that it wasn't meant to be (much easier on some days than others). Take care,Julie I had

Re: Molly Fredo has gone to the bridge

2004-12-09 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear JoAnn, I am so terribly sorry to hear of your loss and also of all theterrible things that you've endured over the last two years. I hope that you can come to a point where the memory of Molly will comfort you. Her spirit will always live within you. I know how you feel and I don't know

Re: OT: Hanukkah Bush / Christmas Tree Decorating! Kitty style!

2004-12-09 Thread Julie Johnson
You were SO right! Adorable! Got me grinning! Julietamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I figured we could all use a good laugh. Check out this link! ENJOY! Do you Yahoo!?Send a seasonal email greeting and help others. Do good."I hold that, the more

Re: Cafepress shop with FeLV items

2004-12-10 Thread Julie Johnson
What a wonderful job you did, Melissa! Visibility and education are KEY![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I started a Cafepress shop and I customized some items for FeLV. Any proceeds aregoing to be donated to the Marley Fund. I figured I would see if anyone was interested in buying any of the items

Re: updat on tai-tai

2004-12-10 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi, I'm happy to hear that Tai-Tai is doing well in spite of the problems she's having! I love it when they get fiesty for treatment; it tells me they are still fighting! When I inquired about using epogen for FeLV-related anemia, I was told that it would not work in the case of the cat I wanted

Re: orieta is gone

2004-12-10 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Macarena, I am so sorry; my heart goes out to you. It surely does sound as though the end was mercifully quick. She was so fortunate to have you to love and care for her, and at least her last day was spent having fun. I will keep you both in my thoughts and I will light a candle for her

Re: To All

2004-12-10 Thread Julie Johnson
You're not truly sorry if you subsequently make this comment: "I said I was sorry, so give it a rest." I'd prefer to see you removed from the list, but it's not my decision to make. I'll simply skip any posts by you; you don't know anything that isn't already recorded somewhere so I'll just skip

Re: Please pray/send thoughts for Simon

2004-12-11 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle, The strongest good thoughts and healing wishes are on their way to you and Simon. I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with the frustration of having his treatment delayed by, perhaps a weekend staff?, at the hospital. That's horrible and I hope things will get on-track for him

Emergency Veterinary Hospitals in the Boston Area

2004-12-11 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle, It seems to me that I remember you are in Boston area; the only MSPCA hospital I have used is the one in Springfield and I was impressed. There is also an Emergency Veterinary hospital in Farmington, CT (kind of a haul, I know)

Re: Any experience with a lump in spayed female's breast?

2004-12-12 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Karolyn, Thanks so much for that information! I'm delighted that your girl is doing well! Was the lump biopsied? I had a male with a much larger, softer mass removed from a mammary gland several years ago; it was benign and he's been fine (knock wood!). I'm hoping that Lucky (named because

Re: New Rescue - testing tomorrow

2004-12-13 Thread Julie Johnson
She's adorable! Sending all good wishes and "negative" thoughts your way! JulieJonathan Mailman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, Well, we are back on the list. My wife and I are still reeling from the loss of our precious Dale earlier this year to FELV. At the time we both agreed there

RE: New Rescue - testing - bad news

2004-12-16 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Jonathan, I am so sorry. Take care of yourselves. Love, JulieJonathan Mailman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sorry to bring more bad news. This poor kitty had both felv and fiv and was already show signs of sickness. That was why she was so quiet and still in the cage. We decided to

Re: Simon update

2004-12-16 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle, Poor Simon! What a time you both are having. How is he doing today (Thursday)? I can imagine that, as the Dr. said, he might just plain feel lousy after the chemo; I know some people who have had it and seem totally unaffected and others who become very ill for a couple of days

For Lora; Spraying

2004-12-16 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Lora, What a terrible situation. One suggestion that I don't think has been tried is to leave outa completely empty litterbox. Some cats are 'smooth surface eliminators' and will NOT use any kind of litter. They literally prefer a smooth surface (such as the top of your stove). Is there

Re: updat on tai-tai

2004-12-10 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Belinda, Thanks for that info! Is this Yvonne's cat Jean-Luc? I think I remember them from a CRF list! I have a missing piece here; I know that Epogen was not indicated for Chappy (FeLV+) based on something missing in the bloodwork (thought it was the immature red blood cells, but then the

Any experience with a lump in spayed female's breast?

2004-12-11 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Friends, Lucky is FeLV- and has been spayed since she was about the age of two years when I found her hit by a car. Last night I felt a small hard lump in her belly; on closer examination, the lump (hard and about the size of a marble) is directly under a nipple. Naturally I am fearing the

Re: A Christmas present for our list! :-)

2004-12-14 Thread Julie Johnson
How wonderful, Anne! Indeed we do welcome Dr. Little![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear friends, It is with great honor and pleasure to announce that we have a wonderful feline veterinarian who has offered to help with questions of the medical sort for our list. Dr. Susan Little is a specialist in

Re: CLS - strange mistake leading to good news???

2004-12-14 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Macarena, How very strange; I am so sorry for little Misty, but am so happy to hear that you didn't lose Orieta after all. Love, Julie maca cats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I want to thank everyone for your kind words about Orieta, but somethingreally strange and in a way good happened last

Lucky Needs Good Thoughts

2004-12-14 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Friends, I took Lucky in yesterday to see about the lump under her nipple. Wendy doesn't like the look of it and suspects it may be cancerous. We did a needle biopsy and the results should be back tomorrow. She needs all the good thoughts she can get! No matter what the biopsy shows, she

Re: Going no email til the 3rd of Jan.

2004-12-15 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Terrie, Wishing you and all your family a wonderful Holiday and a safe and healthy 2005! Have a wonderful time! Love, Julie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello Fellow Animal Rescues AnimalLovers, I will be going no email til the 3rd of Jan. My husband and I are taking a trip to visit the kids

Lucky and Wink

2004-12-16 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Friends, Some news I'd rather not have had; the lab suspects that based on the needle biopsy of the mass in Lucky's mammary gland that she has cancer. She is going in Monday morning to have it removed and have the surrounding tissue and lymph nodes examined and biopsied. The whoe mass will

Update on Lucky

2004-12-20 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Friends, Lucky had surgery this morning to remove the mass in her mammary gland. The mammary gland next to it was removed as well and the lymph nodes have been sent for biopsy, too. Her chest x-ray was clear, so that's good; evidentlycancers of the breast spread easily to the lungs in cats,

Re: OT...prayers REALLY needed

2004-12-20 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Lisa, I am so sorry to hear of that happening. It's terrible. I am a Union representative and I can't even begin to tell you some of the things that we see people try to get away with in terms of violating worker's contractual rights. Fortunately we DO have a union and a contract and therefore


2004-12-22 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Michelle, Simon's news is wonderful! I'm keeping everything crossed for him and tell him I have a regular need for updates of good news! Eyes can be a bit dicey; you might want to have it stained to be sure there is no ulcer. Hoping this clears upsoon, as well! Give them both a big hug from

Re: OT..the worst christmas ever :(

2004-12-22 Thread Julie Johnson
Oh, Lisa, I'm so sorry this is all happening; it's just always -ing something, huh? I had a cock-a-poo with back problems (many years ago) and she responded very well to the medication (are they trying Prednisone?) so I'm hoping that the same will be true for Lanceleot. Sending best wishes;

Re: Transfer Factor

2004-12-22 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Alejandra, I'm happy to hear they are doing well! I have used Tranfer Factor in the past and I was quite impressed (both for me and for the kitties!). Best wishes for continued improvment! Julie Martha Alejandra Moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello I started to give the transfer

Re: Lucky

2004-12-28 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Anne, Yes, that would be wonderful. I'm definately going to join the group, as well. I've heard so many wonderful things about it. We're going tomorrow night to get the surgical staples out, and it's just so stressful for the poor girl; nothing helps, not music, not Feliway (haven't tried

Re: Lucky

2004-12-28 Thread Julie Johnson
Thanks, Michelle, for that website and for sharing your information. Best, best wishes to Fern!! Love, Julie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You might want to look at the Animal Cancer Institute's website and see if they have any open trials for new drugs for cats. My dog Fern, who has had a sarcoma

Re: update on feline interferon please?--Nina

2004-12-29 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Michelle, Among all the things I am investigating for Lucky, I have VO in the back of my mind. I do not know if any specific work has been done with it for stand-alone cancer treatment, but I honestly don't see how it could hurt. Did your oncologist have any feelings about this? Best wishes

Re: Legolas has gone to Valinor (The Bridge) - CLS

2004-12-29 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Kathy, What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful boy; I can see him trotting to the bridge, humming a tune and picking out the fluffiest cloud of all. I am so sorry for the time you will be without him; until you meet again, he'll be watching over you. Take care of yourself. Love,

Re: Tai has gone to the bridge

2005-01-04 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Kristi, I am so sorry for your loss; I wish that Tai had been healthier in her short life with you, but I know that she lived surrounded by love. Take care of yourself. Love, Julie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Please all say a goodnight prayer to Tai Tai she has gone to the rainbow bridge. She

Re: Tai has gone to the bridge

2005-01-04 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Kristi, I am so sorry for your loss; I wish that Tai had been healthier in her short life with you, but I know that she lived surrounded by love. Take care of yourself. Love, Julie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Please all say a goodnight prayer to Tai Tai she has gone to the rainbow bridge.

Re: OT - Smoky's bladder

2005-01-04 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Barb, Best wishes and good vibes on the way to Smoky and to you; hopefully it's "only" an infection and you caught it early! I know what you mean about the vet bills! I keep telling myself to take deep breaths! Love, Julie Barb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, I'd thought Smoky

Re: OT - Smoky's bladder

2005-01-04 Thread Julie Johnson
s are fine - although, looking at the fax, his creatinine is at the very high end of normal. his glucose is a bit above normal, but the vet said stress can do that. she gave him a couple of different drugs to make him more comfortable and he's not as fussy now. I'm really worried about my big b

Re: food dilemma - Kerry

2005-01-04 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Nina, If Gypsy has to have a novel protein diet to eliminate allergies, could you try just giving her cooked venison? Or, ostrich, Or, duck (maybe she's already sampled that, though). I know some supermarkets do carry wild game and if she'd just eat something you'd probably both feel better! I

Re: Feline Diabetes- Julie

2005-01-07 Thread Julie Johnson
, the form that does NOT require of insulin, and Ihave seen the diabetic kit she uses. I wonder if itthe very same kit you use.Could you please share?Have others done this with their diabetics?Lora--- Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Oh, poor Smoky! Yes, stress absolutely can elevatethe g

Re: FeLV

2005-01-07 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Cherie, I'm so sorry about Snowball; how terrible for you. How old was Snowball? FeLV+ or not, I know of a few kittenswho have died suddenly and unexpectedly over the last year. Kittens have fragile immune systems and they look like such little dynamos that it's easy to think of them as

Re: Simon stopping chemo and does not have long

2005-01-07 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle, The sickness and grief that I feel after reading your note are surely nothing to what you are feeling. My heart breaks for Simon and for you. I hope Simon will lie down with you quietly and pass on surrounded by peace and love. Take care of yourself and know that you both are

Re: Simon is eating

2005-01-07 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle, Simon is deeply ensconced in my thoughts and prayers; what wonderful news! He's our miracle boy! Come on, Simon! Love, Julie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Either the steroids or your thoughts and prayers are kicking in, because when I just went in the bedroom to syringe feed

Re: Simon is eating

2005-01-07 Thread Julie Johnson
Nina, you said it perfectly!!!Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Simon is telling you that he loves you and appreciates what you've done to help him!You don't have to believe in God to believe in prayer. I don't actually believe in "God" as an entity separate from us. I use the word God, because it's

Re: Simon is worse again already

2005-01-08 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle, I know it's hard, but please try to be easy on yourself; you did what you thought was best and with love and good intentions. Is it possible that Simon might need an antacid when fed? I think I've been told to use Pepcid in the past. It's so cold and rainy here; I took a nap

Re: Belinda please add Levi to CLS

2005-01-27 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Kerry, A difficult passing is one of the most hideous experiences in life. The hospice case nurse for my mother-in-law told me that she felt a difficult passing was the sign of a highly evolved soul; at the time it did not have a great deal of meaning to me, but in the time since I have

Re: Smokey...Boss Man

2005-01-27 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Terrie, I am so sorry; Smokey obviously wanted to go on his terms and waited for you to be asleep to leave. I know how heartbroken you must be. You're right; you and Smokey will be together again and until you are, I know he will live on in your heart surrounded by the love you shared for so

For Michelle; Simon

2005-02-08 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle, I feel there are no words to comfort you; the experience of life and death that you and Simon shared was so incredibly profound. I am thrilled that he was able to mount a rally and stay with you for a bit longer. I'm afraid I am not a very avid student of things spiritual, but I

Re: Feline leukemia in Florida Panthers

2005-02-08 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Belinda, I remember reading that FIV is a disease of all cats (big and small) but never heard that FeLV had been found in bigger cats; I'll be interested in what your vet has to say! Julie Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I understood FeLV was first discovered in wild cats, many, many

Re: trying to decide whether to ultrasound Lucy

2005-02-08 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Michelle, I understand completely that any sort physical reminder of treatment so soon after losing Simon is going to be horrible. I'm trying to remember my last ultrasound (of a cat!) and I can't remember if they even shaved the belly. They could give her a shot of Ketamine while you are

Tough Times

2005-02-09 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Friends, First, let me wish Brenda the best of luck with her yearly checkup! Once again, I ask you all to send healing vibes to my loved ones. My husband was diagnosed with an aneurysm and blood clot in his right leg last week. Further testing found he also has an aneurysm in his abdominal

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