-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Finale] Jef's Improved JazzCord Font -- DOWNLOAD LINK
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:20:38 -0700
From: Bob Florence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Darcy James Argue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When you download these, where do they go?



Darcy James Argue wrote:

> Okay,
> Due to *overwhelming* demand -- who knew there were so many lurkers on
> the list!  Who knew so many people wanted these modifications as badly
> as I did! -- I have put the modified version of JazzCord up on my .Mac
> homepage, where it will stay until at least Sept 30 (or longer, if I
> decide to register for .Mac).  I'm sorry, but I will no longer be
> emailing this file to people because I cannot keep up with the requests!
> Also -- at present this font is Mac-only.  If Jef decides to create a
> PC version, I will host that one as well.
> Anyway, if you want to download the modified JazzCord, please do NOT
> email me, as I am getting swamped with requests.  Instead, download it
> here:
> < http://homepage.mac.com/djargon/FileSharing5.html>
> Regards,
> - Darcy
> -----
> Boston MA
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