Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/shells
In directory sc8-pr-cvs5.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27662

Added Files:
Log Message:
separate zsh package with multibyte enabled

--- NEW FILE: zsh-multibyte.info ---
Package: zsh-multibyte
Version: 4.3.2
Revision: 1003
Conflicts: zsh
Replaces: zsh
Depends: libiconv, pcre-shlibs, libncurses5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1006)
BuildDepends: libiconv-dev, pcre, pcre-bin, libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006)
CustomMirror: <<
  Master: ftp://ftp.zsh.org/pub/
  eur: ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/unix/zsh/
  eur-NL: ftp://ftp.demon.nl/pub/mirrors/zsh/
  eur-DE: ftp://ftp.demon.nl/pub/mirrors/zsh/
  aus-AU: ftp://ftp.zsh.org/zsh/
  eur-DK: ftp://sunsite.dk/pub/unix/shells/zsh/
  eur-FI: ftp://sunsite.dk/pub/unix/shells/zsh/
  eur-FR: ftp://nephtys.lip6.fr/pub/unix/shells/zsh/
  eur-HU: ftp://ftp.cs.elte.hu/pub/zsh/
  eur-IL: ftp://ftp.math.technion.ac.il/pub/zsh/
  asi-JP: ftp://ftp.math.technion.ac.il/pub/zsh/
  asi-JP: ftp://ftp.ayamura.org/pub/zsh/
  asi-KR: ftp://ftp.ayamura.org/pub/zsh/
  eur-PL: ftp://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/unix/shells/zsh/
  eur-RO: ftp://ftp.roedu.net/pub/mirrors/ftp.zsh.org/pub/zsh/
  eur-RO: ftp://ftp.kappa.ro/pub/mirrors/ftp.zsh.org/pub/zsh/
  eur-SE: ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/unix/zsh/
  eur-UK: ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/unix/zsh/ 
Source: mirror:custom:/zsh-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: e13fc4bb338fbb27ef7508a474310c8f 
Source2: mirror:custom:zsh-%v-doc.tar.bz2
Source2-MD5: 69d1ab9d179d7d16eb0251a0a60e0457 
ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info 
--enable-etcdir=%p/etc/zsh --enable-maildir-support --enable-pcre 
--enable-zsh-secure-free --enable-fndir=%p/share/zsh --enable-function-subdirs 
--with-curses-terminfo --with-tcsetpgrp --enable-multibyte
perl -pi.bak -e "s;DL_EXT=so;DL_EXT=dylib;g" configure
 ./configure %c
perl -pi.bak -e "s;-ldl -ltinfo -lm  -lc;-L%p/lib -lpcre -L%p/lib -lncurses 
-L%p/lib -liconv -ltinfo -ldl -lm -lc;" Makefile
perl -pi.bak -e "s;-bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress;-bundle 
-twolevel_namespace -undefined dynamic_lookup;" Makefile
#cp config.h config.h.bak 
#grep -v "HAVE_POLL" config.h.bak > config.h 
mkdir -p %i/etc/zsh
make install DESTDIR=%d

DocFiles: Doc/zsh.dvi Doc/*.html StartupFiles/* ChangeLog* INSTALL LICENCE 
Description: The Z Shell
DescDetail: <<
To make the Fink zsh your default user shell, do the following:
  1. Add the line /sw/bin/zsh to the file /etc/shells
  2. Execute the following command: chsh -s /sw/bin/zsh
  3. Open a new terminal session.
Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also 
a powerful scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, 
ksh, and tcsh were incorporated into zsh; many original 
features were added. Its syntax is that of an augmented ksh.
It is recommended that you read 
before installing this shell.
You might also consider installing the zsh-templates package
and the zsh-helpfiles package.
DescUsage: <<
        All config files should be kept in %p/etc/zsh.

This shell is NOT preconfigured. Sample configure scripts
can be found in your %p/share/doc/zsh directory
You may manually move those sample files to 
%p/etc/zsh or alter them to your liking!

Alternatively, the fink zsh-templates package provides a
fully configured set of enhanced configuration scripts
and functions, many specifically designed to facilitate
interaction with the OS X environment.

Documentation is included by default, please read
it carefully. In addition, the zsh-helpfiles package
provides additional documentation.

DescPort:  <<
Recent updates by W. G. Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Please complain to him, not dmalloc!
License: GPL
Maintainer: Darian Lanx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://zsh.sunsite.dk/

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