Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/utils
In directory sc8-pr-cvs17:/tmp/cvs-serv5309/utils

Added Files:
        pssh-py.info pssh-py.patch 
Log Message:
Switch section

--- NEW FILE: pssh-py.patch ---
--- pssh/bin/pssh.bad   2007-08-27 12:39:19.000000000 -0400
+++ pssh/bin/pssh       2007-08-27 14:56:10.000000000 -0400
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 def parsecmdline(argv):
     import getopt
-    shortopts = "h:l:p:o:e:t:vO:P:i"
+    shortopts = "h:l:p:o:e:t:vO:Pi"
     longopts = [ "hosts", "user", "par", "outdir", "errdir", "timeout",
                  "verbose", "options", "print", "inline" ]
     flags = { "hosts" : None, "user" : None, "par" : _DEFAULT_PARALLELISM,

--- NEW FILE: pssh-py.info ---
Info2: <<

Package: pssh-py%type_pkg[python]
Type: python (2.4 2.5)
Version: 1.3.1
Revision: 1
Source: http://www.theether.org/pssh/pssh-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: f01bc890a473f5e1c1ca1957320fcd5c
Patch:  %{ni}.patch
Depends: python%type_pkg[python]
BuildDepends: setuptools-py%type_pkg[python]
Description: Parallel versions of the openssh tools
Maintainer: Lev Givon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://www.theether.org/pssh/
DocFiles: TODO ChangeLog INSTALL AUTHORS COPYING doc/pssh-HOWTO.html
CompileScript: <<
  echo Skipping Build
InstallScript: <<
   %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --root=%d --prefix=%p
   mv %i/bin/pssh %i/bin/pssh%type_raw[python]
   mv %i/bin/pscp %i/bin/pscp%type_raw[python]
   mv %i/bin/prsync %i/bin/prsync%type_raw[python]
   mv %i/bin/pslurp %i/bin/pslurp%type_raw[python]
   mv %i/bin/pnuke %i/bin/pnuke%type_raw[python]
PostInstScript: <<
 update-alternatives --install %p/bin/pssh pssh %p/bin/pssh%type_raw[python] 
%type_pkg[python] --slave %p/bin/pscp pscp %p/bin/pscp%type_raw[python] --slave 
%p/bin/prsync prsync %p/bin/prsync%type_raw[python] --slave %p/bin/pnuke pnuke 
%p/bin/pnuke%type_raw[python] --slave %p/bin/pslurp pslurp 
PreRmScript: <<
 update-alternatives --remove pssh %p/bin/pssh%type_raw[python]
DescDetail: <<
This package provides parallel versions of the various openssh tools.


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