On Dec 18, 2004, at 11:19 PM, Dave Andruczyk wrote:

Fink 0.7.1 on os-x 10.3.6

I noticed that the freetype2-dev or freetype2-shlibs packages seem to be
missing the freetype2.pc file that should be installed into /sw/lib/pkgconfig

Can some developer please fix this? Users of my software can't install it
because the freetype test fails because of the missing file from that
package... I've had to manually walk the users through creating the
freetype2.pc file from scratch and puting it in /sw/lib/pkgconfig

The file(/sw/lib/freetype2/pc) should look something like this:


Name: FreeType 2
Description: A free, high-quality, and portable font engine.
Version: 9.4.3
Libs: -L${libdir} -lfreetype -lz
Cflags: -I${includedir}/freetype2

Dave J. Andruczyk

From 'fink info freetype2':

"The freetype2 package now exists only for compatibility with older Fink
packages.  Developers should use the freetype that is part of XFree86
for new packages.

For packages that need freetype2 version 2.1.3 or newer, there is now
a freetype2-dev splitoff. For this to work, you need to make sure that
configure finds the freetype-config script in %p/lib/freetype2/bin"

So you should be using the freetype2 that comes with X11 (wether Apple's, XFree, or Xorg) and not Fink's obsolete freetype2. But as far as I can tell, none of these freetypes create a freetype2.pc file. Instead they have the freetype-config script to get build info. It is in /usr/X11R6/bin for X11's version and /sw/lib/freetype2/bin for Fink's. If you're using Apple's X11, you have to have the X11SDK.pkg installed as well, most likely.

Daniel Johnson
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