Once again….  Since I am updating some of my fink packages, I should do them 

I seem to be unclear on how a language version typed build installs non-version 
typed man pages?

I am updating config-inifiles-pm as it has gone horribly out of date.  It is a 
fairly vanilla bare bones .info file.  But the build -m gives the error:

Validating .deb dir /sw/src/fink.build/root-config-inifiles-pm5162-2.94-5...
Error: File in a language-versioned package does not have a pathname specific 
to that version.
        Offending file: /sw/share/man/man3/Config::IniFiles.3pm

Well, yes, the man page is not versioned.  So where should I put it?  Should it 
be versioned?  Or should the man page be the same for both 

The type is the normal:
Type: perl (5.16.2 5.18.2)

And my dependencies are:
# Dependencies
Depends: <<

The install phase uses whatever is done for default testing and installation 
for perl modules:
# Install Phase:
UpdatePOD: true

I think I can build it as a non-typed language file but it has a dependency on 
scalar-list-utils-pm which is typed.  It seems that once you have a version 
specific file any builds that depend on that version must also be version 

Do I explicitly write out the install phase and then change the man page to 
Config::IniFiles-pm5162.3pm or something ugly like that?  Google only points me 
to a failed build world list that Hanspeter posted and the manual seems to show 
that man pages for different versions are all in the same location.  (i.e. 
there is no /$version/ sub directory for man1 and man3).  From the fink manual:

If the type is perl $version with the version specified (e.g., $version might 
be 5.6.0), then the default becomes:

perl$version Makefile.PL \
 PERL=perl$version PREFIX=%p \
 INSTALLPRIVLIB=%p/lib/perl5/$version \
 INSTALLARCHLIB=%p/lib/perl5/$version/$perlarchdir \
 INSTALLSITELIB=%p/lib/perl5/$version \
 INSTALLSITEARCH=%p/lib/perl5/$version/$perlarchdir \
 INSTALLMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 \
 INSTALLMAN3DIR=%p/share/man/man3 \
 INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 \
 INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=%p/share/man/man3 \
 INSTALLBIN=%p/bin \
make test


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