I had a problem today trying to install ruby 1.8.6 on Snow Leopard.  I  
have unstable enabled, but fink could only see ruby 1.8.5 and not  
1.8.6.  I finally realized this is because the 1.8.5 info file does  
not specify a Distribution, while 1.8.6 says "Distribution: 10.5" and  
since mine (10.6) didn't match that, it fell back to the package  
without any such dependency.  This doesn't seem like desirable  
behavior.  I took out the line requiring 10.5 and it installed (with  
one hack where i add const to the second argument of BN_rand_range and  
BN_psuedo_rand_range in /sw/src/fink.build/ruby18-1.8.6-p287-101// 


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