I would like some advice regarding changing my 10.6 system over to 
fink 64-bit from the 32-bit bootstrap it currently has.

A little background might be helpful. When I first upgraded to Snow 
Leopard I did an archive and install mainly because I was not 
confident with my backup drive (which has indeed subsequently failed). 
Recently I was able to purchase a Time Capsule to replace the failed 
drive and so after backing up my system I took the opportunity to 
reinstall Snow Leopard on a clean disk and then restored my user 
accounts from the backup (a process which went amazingly well, by the 
way). Now I can once again empty my trash using the Finder and I can 
also re-size my partition with BootCamp, neither of which were working 
prior to erasing and reinstalling.

With the clean install of the operating system, I'm considering 
switching fink over to 64-bit. Even though my MacBook Pro cannot boot 
in 64-bit mode, it can run 64-bit processes.

To accomplish the swap I believe that all I have to do is move /sw out 
of the way (perhaps keeping it) and then bootstrap 64-bit fink onto my 
machine (please let me know if that's not true).

Another question is whether it would be possible to swap the 32-bit 
and 64-bit fink installations simply by moving the /sw tree around 
appropriately and whether this serves any useful purpose from the 
perspective of testing packages (that is, I don't see the value of 
doing this for myself, but I would do it if it would provide a 
straightforward way to test packages against both set ups). If there 
are other environment settings that get affected and must be 
manipulated when I change trees I would need to know this.

It's probably worth stating that I have no need to keep packages which 
have already been built and am happy to simply rebuild them.

Thanks for your advice!

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