Sorry if this is late in being sent; I'vr been off my computer and I cannot reply remotely:

>From: Greg Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Apr 19, 2007 2:21 PM
>Subject: A bogeyman under every bed  - a brief response
>Professor Joseph Olson asks:
>>>Seriously, is there anything that some Jewish people somewhere DON'T see as a bogeyman? I was certainly unaware of this one and I'm >>pretty well-educated.
>Education has nothing to do with it. First, if you're not Jewish, you cannot possibly imagine the paranoia that runs deeply through the Jewish community. As a matter of fact, I could stop right there with that thought and I would have answered your question. You can't imagine the crap I have to put up with (which also explains why I avoid New York to the best of my former New York born and bred ability).
>But there is far more - because I think we're looking at the typical, NYC liberal side of the Jewish community. Therefore, everything that opposes their misguided viewpoint of the world is not only somehow fascistic, is is perceived as anti-Semitic. Moreover, and this is important, it is easily BENT into something anti-Semitic because it suits their world view and assists them in their knee jerk opposition to what we all see as common sense solutions to various issues that confront us, guns and gun laws being the particular focus of this august group. Mayor Bloomberg being Jewish makes attacks on him or his idiotic view of the American scene easy to call anti-Semitic for the paranoid amongst his fans and supporters. The use of some universal symbol that others have misused in days gone by is immediately twisted to suggest that it is aimed at Jews because how can it be aimed at His Moronicness?
>I hope that helps.
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