
I noticed that if I go to the release notes for 2.5 it hints at what gcc
compiler worked for that release. This helps a lot. I tried to configure
and build with a really recent version of gcc and the release notes
indicate a much older release and give a hint as to the version.

Thx. whomever created the release notes for indicating a hint as to the
approximate gcc version used for that release. I might fool around with
installing an older version of gcc then in my package manager to see if
it will configure and build. Not sure what gcc requires. I probably
could figure out by uninstalling from package manager and then acting
like i wish to reinstall to see what kind of dependencies.

I am not sure how developers keep it all straight with firebird source versions
and for instance gcc with firebird.

thx. and have a cool work week-
J. McNamara

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