
> Now is owned by someone else

And this is the project's problem, how?

There are likely thousands of documents/files which Inprise released which have 
URLs which are now unreachable...  that is just a fact of life.  It just so 
happens that a number of those documents are the Firebird code headers.  As the 
document "owners" it is their responsibility to address this problem.

In fact, if Embacadero feels that the issue needs attention, they (as the 
copyright owners) could host the original license text (there was a revision, 
which the Firebird code is NOT covered by) as a new link and then 
prepare/submit a patch with the corrected headers to the project for our 
review/approval and check-in.  It is, however, most certainly not for the 
project developers to change the headers, in any way.


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