When I try to debug a function in one of my classes, as soon as some code
tries to get a property from a class using a Get function, all the local
variables in the "local" window disappear when it returns back to the
original function. Is this normal behaviour?
this is the function I am debugging:
 private function addChildNodes(xnRoot:XMLNode, idx:Number):Number {
  var nDepth:Number;
  while (idx < _collSize) {
   nDepth = _collection[idx].getDepth(); **
   var xnNode:XMLNode = new XMLNode(1, "node");
   xnNode.attributes.label = _collection[idx].labelText;
   xnNode.attributes.href = _collection[idx].destURL;
   xnNode.attributes.level = nDepth;

**this is the getDepth function in the other class - as soon as i debug this
line, all the local vars disappear on return.
 public function get getDepth():Number {
  return _depth;
If I make the class variable (_depth) public and dont use the get function,
the debug works fine.
any ideas why this happens?
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