The script is pretty much the stock script that macrodobe supply, with the
exception that I added the autoSize=true property to the textField that is

One point I did notice is that this Cellrender extends UIComponent, where as
the cellrenderer that Alessandro Crugnola uses here: extends
mx.controls.treeclasses.TreeRow - is there a reason why he does this?

Here it is anyway:

class MultiLineCell extends mx.core.UIComponent
        private var multiLineLabel;     // The label to be used for text.
        private var owner;                              // The row that
contains this cell.
        private var listOwner;                  // The List/grid/tree that
contains this cell.
        private static var PREFERRED_HEIGHT_OFFSET = 4;
        private static var PREFERRED_WIDTH = 100;
        private var startDepth:Number = 1;

        public function MultiLineCell()

        public function createChildren():Void
                // The createLabel method is a useful method of UIObject and
a handy way to make labels in components.
                var c = multiLineLabel = this.createLabel("multiLineLabel",
                // Links the style of the label to the style of the grid
                c.styleName = listOwner;
                c.selectable = false;
                c.tabEnabled = false;
                c.background = false;
                c.border = false;
                c.multiline = true;
                c.wordWrap = true;
                c.autoSize = true;

        public function size():Void
                var c = multiLineLabel;
                c.setSize(__width, __height);

        // Provides the preferred height of the cell.  Inherited method.
        public function getPreferredHeight():Number

                return owner.__height;// - PREFERRED_HEIGHT_OFFSET;

        // Called by the owner to set the value in the cell.  Inherited
        public function setValue(suggestedValue:String, item:Object,
                if (item==undefined){
                        multiLineLabel.text._visible = false;
                multiLineLabel.text = suggestedValue;



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Mulhollam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 August 2006 3:30 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Multiline text in a Tree Component

You should post your cellRenderer script.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Darren Bowers
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:07 AM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] Multiline text in a Tree Component

Hi all,
I am having a major pain implementing a multiline textfield in a Tree
component using the Cellrenderer API.
I am using the basic multiline code framework from Macrodobe here:
If I set the textfield autoSize property in the cell, 90% of all text fields
will auto-size and auto-centre vertically properly. But for some strange
reason, there are a bunch that dont centre. They are usually off by about
5px. Some you can actually see drop when the cell re-renders. I am sure it
is something to do with the textfields reporting an incorrect height size
after the text is applied to the textfield, but i am having a nightmare
figuring out how to code around it.
Here is an example of what happens:
Has anyone got an elegant solution to a multiline cellrenderer that centers
vertically or a hint on where to look to solve this?

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