I have made such changes as are necessary to allow me to ssh as root
into a Windows box, with the intention of using my flexbackup setup to
take backups of it. However, it does not work due to a problem with

I can quite happily enter the command:

find . -depth -xdev ! -type s ! -regex ".*/[Cc]ache/.*" ! -regex ".*~"$ -print0

... manually in the relevant directory and the output is right. However,
when I actually try the backup job with flexbackup, this happens:

flexbackup version 1.2.1 (http://flexbackup.sourceforge.net)
/etc/flexbackup.conf syntax OK

| Checking /bin/sh on this machine... bash1
| Checking shell on <<deleted>>... bash1
| Checking for required programs on host <<deleted>>... Ok
| Doing level 0 backup of set <<deleted>> using tar
| Found directory index key 200710021056
| Backup set "<<deleted>>" (<<deleted>>:/cygdrive/c)
| Backup of: <<deleted>>:/cygdrive/c
| Date of this level 0 backup: Sat Oct 20 09:58:01 2007
| Date of last level 0 backup: the epoch
| ssh <<deleted>> 'mkdir -p /tmp/flexbackup.1731.<<host>>
| /tmp/flexbackup.1731.<<host>>/collectexit.1731.sh ssh <<deleted>> 'cd
|   "/cygdrive/c" && find . -depth -xdev ! -type s ! -regex \
|   ".*/[Cc]ache/.*" ! -regex ".*~"$ -print0 | gtar --create --null \
|   --files-from=- --ignore-failed-read --same-permissions
--no-recursion \
|   --totals --label "level 0 <<deleted>>:/cygdrive/c Sat Oct 20
09:58:01 \
|   2007 tar+bzip2 from <<host>>" --verbose --sparse -b 20 --file - |
bzip2 \
|   -9' | /tmp/flexbackup.1731.<<host>>/collectexit.1731.sh dd ibs=10k \
|   obs=10k conv=noerror \
|   of="/scratch/backups/<<deleted>>-cygdrive-c.0.200710200958.tar.bz2"
| ssh <<deleted>> 'rm -rf /tmp/flexbackup.1731.<<host>>'
| [ ! -e /tmp/flexbackup.1731.<<host>>/exitstatus.1731 ]
FIND: Parameter format not correct
level 0 <<deleted>>:/cygdrive/c Sat Oct 20 09:58:01 2007 tar+bzip2 from
<<host>>Total bytes written: 10240 (10KiB, ?/s)
0+1 records in
0+1 records out
152 bytes (152 B) copied, 2.21085 seconds, 0.1 kB/s

It would seem, therefore, that it doesn't like having find called by

Is there a way round this or do I need to find another way to do the
whole job? I can't mount the drive over the network because it gives
ERRnomem when I try to mount any share from the Windows box.

Phil Reynolds
 o  ____ mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|L_ \  / Web: http://www.tinsleyviaduct.com/phil/
(_)- \/  Waltham 66, Emley Moor 69, Droitwich 79, Windows 95

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