i use flexbackup 1.2.1 on a debian sarge.
I do backup with afio and bzip2 on travan tape 4/8 Go Seagate STT8000A.

All my backup process fine :

afio: 145m+690k+0 bytes written in 346 seconds. The operation was successful.
Kilobytes Out 149170
Kilobytes Out 149170

But when i want to decompresss with flexbackup -extract command, afio tell me :

| Logging output to "flexbackup.extract.200608181908.log"
| Trying "mt defblksize" instead of "mt setblk"
At block 7062477.
| buffer -m 10m -p 75 -s 10k -t -u 100 -i "/dev/nst0" | afio -i -z -x -D \
|   /usr/bin/flexbackup -P bzip2 -Q -d -Z -v   -b 10k -
buffer (reader): failed to read input: Input/output error
afio: "-": No input
At block 7062477.

I don't understand my problem !!

Somebody can help me ?

i post my flexbackup.conf 

Thanks you for your help and sorry for my english, i'm french people 

# -*-Mode: perl-*-
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Flexbackup configuration file
#   check "flexbackup -help" for usage information
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# General configuration section

# Archive type?  afio, dump, tar, cpio, star, pax, zip, lha, ar, shar
# 'copy' or 'rsync' are extra options if running in archive-to-disk mode.
# 'filelist' dumps a list of files in your cwd - for debugging setup/exclusion
$type = 'afio';

# Configure backup "sets".
# Not needed if you use "-dir <dir>" to backup one tree at a time.
# Each set is a simple space-separated list of filesystems
# Remote filesystems should denoted as 'host:dir'
# You can use anything (other than 'all') as set names
# Example:
#  $set{'set1'} = "/home /usr";
#  $set{'set2'} = "/dir3 machine2:/dir4 machine3:/dir5";
# "-set all" will back up all defined sets. If you are doing a full backup
# using tapes, each "set" will go onto a different tape and you will be
# prompted for tape change in between.
#$set{'backup'} = "/mnt/sauvegarde/BACKUP";
$set{'set1'} = "simpson.yoo.dnsalias.org:/sauvegarde/BACKUP";

# Subtree pruning
# A space-separated list of directories to prune from each backup.
# Key is a filesystem or host:dir spec as outlined above
# regular expressions allowed (not shell-type wildcards!)
$prune{'/'} = "tmp proc";

# Compression
$compress = 'bzip2'; # one of false/gzip/bzip2/lzop/zip/compress/hardware
$compr_level = '4'; # compression level (1-9) (for gzip/bzip2/lzop/zip)

# Buffering program - to help streaming
$buffer = 'buffer';         # one of false/buffer/mbuffer
$buffer_megs = '10';        # buffer memory size (in megabytes)
$buffer_fill_pct = '75';    # start writing when buffer this percent full
$buffer_pause_usec = '100'; # pause after write (tape devices only)

# Device to backup to.  -->> non-rewinding version, please! <<--
# Examples:
#    Linux SCSI: /dev/nst0     Linux IDE: /dev/nht0
#    Linux ftape: /dev/nqft0   FreeBSD SCSI: /dev/nrsa0 (4.x compat device node)
#                              FreeBSD SCSI: /dev/nsa0  (5.x)
# If a directory, will archive to files in that directory rather than a device
# If "host:/dev/tapedevice", will use remote tape drive via rsh/ssh
$device = '/dev/nst0';

# Block size (in kilobytes!) to use for archive programs and dd. Default is
# 10 for most things.  Some tape drives need 32 or 64.  Set to '0' to
# disable all blocking
$blksize = '10';

# Block size (in bytes!) to use for the tape device, with "mt setblk" or
# equivalent. If set to 0, will use "variable" block size for the tape
# device (which is recommended). Comment out or set to "$blksize * 1024" to
# have it be the same as the archiver block size above.
$mt_blksize = "0";

# Padding.  True to pad blocks to blocksize
# (devices only, not used when archiving to files)
$pad_blocks = 'true';

# Other global flags
$remoteshell = 'ssh'; # command for remote shell (rsh/ssh/ssh2)
$remoteuser = '';     # if non-null, secondary username for remote shells
$label = 'true';      # somehow store identifying label in archive?
$verbose = 'true';    # echo each file?
$sparse = 'true';     # handle sparse files?
$indexes = 'true';    # false to turn off all table-of-contents support

# If backing up to files, use static filenames - no date stamp
# (same level backup of same directory will overwrite old backups)
$staticfiles = 'false';

# True to try and preserve file access times during backup, if the selected
# archive program can do so. Note that if this is true, -cnewer checks (file
# permission/status changes only, not content) are turned off when deciding
# which files to archive on the local system.
$atime_preserve = 'false';

# Span across filesytems? ("dump" will ignore this option)
# Set to "false" (don't) , "local" (all but nfs/smbfs), or "all" (everything)
$traverse_fs = 'all';

# Exclude files that match these *regular expressions* (not shell wildcards)
# from the backups (no affect on 'dump' archives). You can list more than one,
# just keep incrementing the index in the brackets for each.  Also, strip off
# leading directories (the filesystem specs above or the "-dir" flag).
# Matches paths, not filenames, so put .* on the front/back as needed.
# Comment these out to exclude nothing.
#$exclude_expr[0] = '.*/[Cc]ache/.*';
#$exclude_expr[1] = '.*~$';

# If true (default), and using a tape device, level zero "set" backups
# assume you want to erase and use a new tape for each set. If false, level
# zero "set" backups append to tapes.  To force an erase for any backup,
# use "-erase" on the commandline.
$erase_tape_set_level_zero = 'false';

# Set this to "true" to make erase operations just call "mt rewind" - not
# "mt rewind' followed by "mt erase".  (For some tape drives, erase takes
# hours rather than seconds or is otherwise undesirable)
$erase_rewind_only = 'false';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Log/stamp files, path for temporary files

$logdir = '/var/log/flexbackup';   # directory for log files
$comp_log = 'false';                # compress log? 
$staticlogs = 'false';             # static log filenames w/ no date stamp
$prefix = '';                      # log files will start with this prefix
$tmpdir = '/tmp';                  # used for temporary refdate files, etc
$stampdir = '/var/lib/flexbackup'; # directory for backup timestamps
$index = '/var/lib/flexbackup/index'; # DB filename for tape indexes
$keyfile = '00-index-key';         # filename for keyfile if archiving to dir
$sprefix = '';                     # stamp files will start with this prefix

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'afio' only

# File extensions that should not be compressed (seperate with spaces)
$afio_nocompress_types = 'Z z gz zip ZIP taz tgz deb rpm bz2 lzo';

# True to show block numbers
$afio_echo_block = 'false';

# Files less than this size (kilobytes) won't be compressed
$afio_compress_threshold = '3';

# Maximum amount of memory (megabytes) to use for temporary storage of
# compression results.  If a compressed file is bigger than this, compression
# will have to run twice on the file (see manpage).
$afio_compress_cache_size = '2';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'tar' only

# True to show record numbers
$tar_echo_record_num = 'false';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'cpio' only

# Format of cpio archive
$cpio_format = 'newc';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'dump' only

# Estimated tape size (in kilobytes). This number doesn't really do much
# but help 'dump' get size estimates if set to zero uses 'dump -a'
$dump_length = '0';

# True to use /etc/dumpdates (could mess things up if you dump subdirectories
# of mount points).  False to use flexbackup's timestamps.
$dump_use_dumpdates = 'false';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'star' only

# Use fifo (buffering)? (you probably want to set $buffer=false above if so)
$star_fifo = 'true';

# Handle ACLs?
$star_acl = 'true';

# Format of star archive
$star_format = 'exustar';

# True to show block numbers
$star_echo_block_num = 'false';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'pax' only

# Format of pax archive
$pax_format = 'ustar';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'zip' only

# File extensions that should not be compressed (seperate with spaces)
$zip_nocompress_types = 'mp3 MP3 Z z gz gif zip ZIP lha jpeg jpg JPG taz tgz 
deb rpm bz2 lzo';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'package delta' backups

# Archive a list of all installed packages in the top level of each backup?
# Can be 'false', 'true' (save it for any backup), or
# 'rootonly' (saves list only if the filesystem is '/')
$pkgdelta_archive_list = 'rootonly';

# Archive files not "owned" by packages?
$pkgdelta_archive_unowned = 'true';

# Archive any package-owned files which have been modified?
$pkgdelta_archive_changed = 'true';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Paths to commands. Default will look for them in $PATH. Use this if
# you want to set commands explicitly.  You can use full paths or just
# change command names.
# Example: If GNU tar is called "gtar" on your system:
#   $path{'tar'} = 'gtar';
# Or can be used to "sudo" certain commands. Examples:
#    $path{'find'} = 'sudo find';
#    $path{'dump'} = 'sudo dump';
    $path{'afio'} = 'afio';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# mt operation overrides.  Set if flexbackup doesn't know the right mt
# command(s) for your OS/device, or you want to override things.
# Example: use "mt status" instead of "mt tell"
#   $mt{'tell'} = 'status';

# $Id: flexbackup.conf,v 1.74 2003/09/21 22:59:58 edwinh Exp $
# $Name: v1_2_1 $
# Leave '1;' on the the next line - for perl 'require'
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