[flexcoders] Using Vector Collection as a Datasource??

2009-04-14 Thread cox.blair
Hi guys, We're performing some labor intensive calculations with arrays and it is really slow. I've read the threads here describing the array collections being slow, so we decided to switch to using a vector collection. All great, works faster, however it doesn't behave as expected and we

[flexcoders] Flex Builder 3 on Mac and Win at same time?

2009-01-09 Thread cox.blair
Hi folks, Bit of an issue here. We have a project that requires us to begin working with an ASP.net server. I'm currently using the Mac version of FB3 and so far I haven't been able to determine how to continue using the Mac version while creating a new project tailored to ASP? When we purchased

[flexcoders] Textarea, why the blue border?

2008-12-15 Thread cox.blair
Everyone, Why is there a blue border shown when using a textarea and it has been clicked on? To show it is in focus? Great, but why? How can this be removed? No, switching to Gumbo is not an option. How would you display a few paragraphs of text within you applications? Dis the designers of

[flexcoders] Please Help: Shift data Up|Down in array/datagrid

2008-12-09 Thread cox.blair
Hi everyone, hope someone can offer a suggestion to solve this, or at least let me know if it possible within Flex/ActionScript. Here is my sample data: Date Var1 Var2 - Mon 34 45 Tues67 87 Wed 83 12 Thurs 89 23 Fri 12 98 ... ...

[flexcoders] Dynamically control chart data

2008-11-26 Thread cox.blair
Hello everyone, I'm trying to learn how I can manipulate a chart to perform some very simple calculations such as averaging data in a series or adjusting data ranges. I was thinking of the filterFunction, however I'm not sure how to implement it. I don't want to permanently change the data,

[flexcoders] How to: Select range in Datagrid to set range in Chart?

2008-11-13 Thread cox.blair
Okay, I'll do my best to explain what I'm trying to do and see if anyone can point me in the direction of a good url and sample - What I would like to do is select a range of data within a Datagrid, so lets say 10 items out of the list 20. Than whatever is selected in the Datagrid, appears in

[flexcoders] Help: Datagrid first and last selection

2008-11-13 Thread cox.blair
Hi, is it possible to output the first and last selection of a datagrid if selecting multiple items? Thanks.

[flexcoders] Help: Datagrid first and last selection

2008-11-13 Thread cox.blair
Hi, is it possible to output the first and last selection of a datagrid if selecting multiple items? Thanks.

[flexcoders] How to use anchor and caret selection of a chart?

2008-11-04 Thread cox.blair
Everyone, I want to be able to select within a chart and pass the anchor and caret result to a variable. Specifically by selecting an area within the chart, the xValue being a date range will pass the begining and end date, as a string to any value I choose. I may just want to output the anchor

[flexcoders] Help: Hide AxisRenderer

2008-10-29 Thread cox.blair
Hi All, I've been working on this for some time. How to turn on and off multiple y-axis labels. I can do it, however when you make an AxisRenderer visible=false, the space it occupies remains. What I need to do is add and remove the additional y-axis labels and re-size the chart to accommodate

[flexcoders] Possible? Charts - CatergoryAxis Group by Day/Time?

2008-10-28 Thread cox.blair
Thought I would ask the experts. I have a simple chart displaying data for about 60 days. The data consists of events which either occur once a day or multiple times a day. I've been asked that if an event occurs multiple times on a single day, to stack or group them on the chart. Stack may be

[flexcoders] Help: filterFunction and Dates

2008-10-23 Thread cox.blair
Hi everyone, With the help of another poster I was pointed in the correct direction to solve a problem I have: The two links were helpful: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=controls_12.html

[flexcoders] Charts - How to filter dataprovider by date?

2008-10-22 Thread cox.blair
Hi everyone, I've spent hours over several weeks looking for a hint of an answer to this, perhaps my situation is unique. I have a database, that through necessity, has the data for multiple items, we'll call them different tests. Now if I use this database for a chart's data provider, it will

[flexcoders] Basic Printing: Print what you see?

2008-08-29 Thread cox.blair
Hi all, Can someone point me in a direction of a url which explains how configure the app to print in a browser so that what you see fits to a standard letter size sheet? Current the app prints horizontally and get cut off, not matter the OS or browser. So it appears I need to define the

[flexcoders] Combobox to show table columns?

2008-08-26 Thread cox.blair
Just wonder if anyone has a trick to dynamically populate a combobox with the column labels of a table or XML source. I seem to only manage to retrieve the values of the rows, not the actual column name. I know I manually list them, but this defeats the purpose if the table were to change. Ex. So

[flexcoders] Help with Chart dataprovider

2008-08-21 Thread cox.blair
Hi, I've been trying to figure this out for a while now. I have a basic chart that I want to be able to select a different data source for each series. I have a test app where all I want to do is change the charts dataprovider via a combo box; mx:ComboBox id=choosekit x=10 y=23 width=210

[flexcoders] Change dataProvider at runtime?

2008-08-21 Thread cox.blair
Does anyone have experience with changing a dataprovider at runtime? Scenerio: a grocery store Database has four tables, one for Produce, Dairy, Meat and Other. Each of the tables is a different arrayCollection/HTTPService I want to be able to have four comboboxes, each able to point to any of

[flexcoders] Coldfusion 8 Air: Connect to online db?

2008-08-20 Thread cox.blair
Question: Can Air, in general, connect to an online database? Can this be done with Coldfusion? I have little information about an Air application retrieving data from online, but it must happen. What I don't want to do is use the SQlite db, all data must be retrieved and stored online -

[flexcoders] PHP vs. Coldfusion 8 for beginner?

2008-08-20 Thread cox.blair
Okay, so I'm probably going to get a biased response, but which would you say would be the best long term strategy for a beginner to learn to become proficient with? I'm not looking to learn both, I want to pick a combination and stick to it. I suspect it is dependant on your background knowledge

[flexcoders] Change Chart Data via Combobox: redraw?

2008-08-19 Thread cox.blair
I did not think this would be an issue, but I simply cannot understand why this won't work: I'm starting with a simple test, so no real code to speak of, but this is what I'm doing. A simple line chart, with three series. I have three combobox's. Each series calls a unique dataPrivider (works

[flexcoders] Combobox with multiple data sources?

2008-08-18 Thread cox.blair
I've been reading the blogs all afternoon and haven't found an answer to this (probably because it's really simple), but what I want to do is populate a combobox from two data sources. One will be from a small array in the mxml, the other will be from the database and dependant on what the user

[flexcoders] Printing and PDF creation

2008-08-16 Thread cox.blair
Just wondering if anyone could provide some information on general printing concepts and creating PDF reports from an application. With regards to printing, I really only need to allow the user to correctly print what is displayed in their browser - the application interface. As a bonus, allowing

[flexcoders] Using Create App from DB - Saving decimal number 123.123??

2008-08-07 Thread cox.blair
I'm using the Create Application from database for testing and I'm just wondering on earth it appears to only update whole numbers to the table? It will not pass a decimal number to the database? I see in the php 'int', can I change this to allow it to store 123.123 instead? Really, whole numbers

[flexcoders] Validator error auto show without mouse over?

2008-08-01 Thread cox.blair
Using Flex 3, is there any way to have a validator error message appear automatically without forcing the user to hover the mouse over a form entry which has ever so slightly changed its border colour to red? Cheers,

[flexcoders] Combobox - How to display 'Click to Select...'

2008-08-01 Thread cox.blair
I have a dynamically populated combobox that I would like to provide an initial label instead of the first item in the array. It would be impossible to create an item in the array to show, it would need to part of the combobox control. So on initial load of the application, the combobox would

[flexcoders] NaN and Infinity showing in output - How to modify?

2008-07-31 Thread cox.blair
I seem to have trouble explaining myself here, hard when you are just learning. Perhaps this will be better. Is it possible to remove, change or hide any label or text output that displays NaN or Infinity? I'm performing a very simply calculation where the user enters a number in a form and it

[flexcoders] ViewStack and Combobox

2008-07-30 Thread cox.blair
Here is my situation, I have a combobox and a viewstack. The combobox's dataProvider is XML generated by a php script retrieving information from a db. The database has two primary entries. The first is a location, the second is a type of test performed. These are inputed by the user elsewhere

[flexcoders] Re: ViewStack and Combobox

2008-07-30 Thread cox.blair
For any other newbie looking for the answer; myViewStack.selectedChild = Container(myViewStack.getChildByName(treeMenu.itemToLabel(treeMenu.selectedItem))); Modify to your usage.

[flexcoders] ViewStack, Combobox Dataprovider

2008-07-30 Thread cox.blair
Here is my situation, I have a combobox and a viewstack. The combobox's dataProvider is XML generated by a php script retrieving information from a db. The database has two primary entries. The first is a location, the second is a type of test performed. These are inputed by the user elsewhere

[flexcoders] Please help a newbie :) - ArrayCollection

2008-07-29 Thread cox.blair
Hi, I'm sure this is incredibly simple, however I'm having trouble figuring it out. I have a php script which connects to a db and returns standard xml. What I want to do is choose which children from the repeating elements to use. Found this example and it works: mx:Repeater id=pointRepeater

[flexcoders] Re: Please help a newbie :) - ArrayCollection

2008-07-29 Thread cox.blair
I'm starting to think all I need to do is post a message here and the answer instantly makes itself known. Sorry that I wasn't very descriptive. This is what I was looking for; private function getListLabel(item:Object):String { return item.Sample_Point_Name + ( +

[flexcoders] Newbie Help: Resolve a multiname reference unambiguously...

2008-07-15 Thread cox.blair
Hi, Totally a newbie here, so please excuse my ignorance. I've spent some time working through this problem and this is where I am at. I want to be able to make multiple calls to my database tables. I did use the create application from database to generate the php code to create the xml I

[flexcoders] Re: Newbie Help: Resolve a multiname reference unambiguously...

2008-07-15 Thread cox.blair
@yahoogroups.com, cox.blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Currently it appears in a ActionScipt file as - private var gateway:HTTPService = new HTTPService(); This part is the original datagrid application. And again in a data block within the mxml file - mx:HTTPService id=SamplePointCollect

[flexcoders] Re: Newbie Help: Resolve a multiname reference unambiguously...

2008-07-15 Thread cox.blair
Okay, is HTTPService a single instance / use item? How would I get the following to work? ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=vertical creationComplete=SamplePointCollect.send() mx:Script

[flexcoders] Help with Module Loader [Flex Builder 3 Bug?]

2008-07-10 Thread cox.blair
I have a module which contains a datagrid that connects to the database. It works, no issues. The problem comes when the Flex Builder 3 in design mode access the swf reference in the module loader and displays a popup saying there is an http access error, obviously because the design view cannot

[flexcoders] Re: Help with Module Loader [Flex Builder 3 Bug?]

2008-07-10 Thread cox.blair
I place the module loader inside an according navigator, but I tried it inside tab navigator and got the same result. How do I tell display view to ignore doing anything with the swf file?

[flexcoders] Re: [Flex Builder 3 Bug] Module Loader

2008-07-10 Thread cox.blair
This does appear to be a bug. Checked online, nothing I'm doing is out of the ordinary. Adobe lists examples very close to what I'm doing except my module connects to a db - http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=modular_5.html I went through the preferences and changed some

[flexcoders] HTTP Request Error: Design View in Flex Builder 3?

2008-07-09 Thread cox.blair
Hi all, I was working on my application before lunch, all was well. No errors, worked great. Had to reboot due to a totally unrelated issue to Flex, when I started the program back up, I'm greeted with a error dialuge box in Design view that I cannot remove. Anyone have any idea where I should

[flexcoders] Re: HTTP Request Error: Design View in Flex Builder 3?

2008-07-09 Thread cox.blair
I think I know what is causing the problem. the bin folders are missing? They show up in Flex Navigator, however when I look at the path information, they do not exist in any of the possible locations listed. I've noticed over the past two days, that files with the Flex Navigator will disappear.

[flexcoders] Set Datagrid Column Width

2008-07-09 Thread cox.blair
I read that the DataGrid was designed to adjust to the dimensions of the browser, however my application has fixed dimensions to maintain some sanity. How can I define the widths of individual columns in the datagrid? For instance, the ID column does not need to be 20px wide. Thanks,

[flexcoders] Datagrid - Connect to multiple tables

2008-07-04 Thread cox.blair
I can't seem to find information on having a datagrid connect to multiple tables. Ultimately I would like to be able to use multiple select statements. Is it possible? Could you point me in the direction of some samples? Thanks,

[flexcoders] Saving or Exporting application charts as images?

2008-07-03 Thread cox.blair
Hi everyone, Our application will have charts and it will be required that the user be able to save these charts as an image suitable for use in MS Office products - ie. Word PowerPoint. The user shouldn't have to perform any editing or cropping. Any ideas on how this could be accomplished -

[flexcoders] Re: Saving or Exporting application charts as images?

2008-07-03 Thread cox.blair
Can this be done without using AIR? http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/communityengine/index.cfm?event=showdetailsproductId=2postId=8406 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, cox.blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi everyone, Our application will have charts and it will be required that the user

[flexcoders] Re: Saving or Exporting application charts as images?

2008-07-03 Thread cox.blair
Isn't the Internet just nifty! Answered my own question. For anyone reading this, hopefully this link still exists and will answer your question :) http://dougmccune.com/blog/2007/06/03/save-a-snapshot-image-of-a-flex-app-without-a-server/

[flexcoders] Re: Saving or Exporting application charts as images?

2008-07-03 Thread cox.blair
Hmm, yup that sucks. I'll be using PHP5 and MySQL 4.1, any tips on where I could look for some tips on accomplishing this? New territory for me. Cheers, --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Sean Clark Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've tried things like this before, and it never works. I can't

[flexcoders] Re: User loads CSV file

2008-06-25 Thread cox.blair
] wrote: Would this be for an AIR app or a web page? --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, cox.blair cox.blair@ wrote: Hello everyone, I'm new here, so go easy on me. I'm essentially just beginning with Flex, needless to say, I'm ready to learn. Using Flex Builder 3. I've spent a few

[flexcoders] Re: User loads CSV file

2008-06-25 Thread cox.blair
? --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, cox.blair cox.blair@ wrote: Hello everyone, I'm new here, so go easy on me. I'm essentially just beginning with

[flexcoders] Re: User loads CSV file

2008-06-25 Thread cox.blair
Okay, the back story is we are creating a completely new application based on a very complicated Excel based spreadsheet an engineer designed to record the data collected from users. The program essentially trends this data. It will be entered manually as well as collected from the device as I

[flexcoders] User loads CSV file

2008-06-24 Thread cox.blair
Hello everyone, I'm new here, so go easy on me. I'm essentially just beginning with Flex, needless to say, I'm ready to learn. Using Flex Builder 3. I've spent a few hours looking through many of the flex sites I've come across and the mail archive for this list and can't seem to find the