Hello I have 2 Questions

1)  I notice that when using mx.rpc.soap.WebService (instead of
mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService) that there's no property resultFormat. 
Is there a way for my RPC-based WebService to return e4x? Or, do I
manually do the conversion

2)  When using the mxml.WebService, do I have to declare all the
Operations and Requests?  It seems with the rpc-based Webservice, it
can dynamically inspect the WebService.

The reason I'm asking is that I'm having difficulties passing an
optional parameter through the WebService.  When using MXML--based
WebService, with Operations declared in MXML, the SoapEncoder creates
a proper request when omitting that optional parameter.  However, the
rpc-WebService blows up, never returning, with the SoapEncoder
swallowing the error.

I'm also asking because we have a lot of web services with a lot of
calls that we're integrating, and WSDL import tool doesn't work for
us...and we have a lot of WebServices and operations we're bringing
into the application, further compounded by the fact that the
WebServices are constantly changing through the development environment.

Thanks for any insight.

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