Just create a bindable property in your parent application, on click 
of menuitem assign the label to Bindable property 

like this

public var myProp:String = new String();

assing the label to this property.

in title window you just need to read the property and bind it to 
textArea else another property in titlewindow

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Praveen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>                          I created a menu bar example with the 
> follwing code:
> <mx:MenuBar id="my_MenuBar">
>   <mx:XMLList>
>     <node label="RootNode1">
>       <node label="childNode1"/>
>       <node label="childNode2"/>
>       <node label="childNode3/>
>     </node>
>   </mx:XMLList>
> </mx:MenuBar>
> Now in the "click" of "childNode1" I opened another MXML as 
> TitleWindow. I have a TextArea in that child window called 
> "myTextArea". Now i want to display the name of the child in 
> in this text area., i.e I want to access and display 
> "childNode1" (label field) from TitleWindow(child window).
> I tried to access using 
> but it is not showing anything and if I tried to access 
> "selectedIndex" from MenuBar it is showing "-1" always irrespective 
> of what node i seleted in child window. 
>          can anyone plz help me how to acces parentwindows's 
> MenuBar's selecteditem's attributes from childwindow.
>        Thanks in advance

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