I saw a post before about someone having trouble redeploying with Weblogic. We’re having the same trouble with Tomcat on Windows.


We have a webapp that includes Flex, but we can’t do an ‘undeploy’ or a ‘reload’ without having to shutdown the server and explicity deleting the webapp directory because the locks on the jars in WEB-INF\flex\jars aren’t being released, even though the webapp has been stopped. An undeploy with remove all other webapp artifacts except for this directory, effectively preventing redeploying the webapp without a server restart.


Tomcat has a work around: you can set the antiResourceLocking="true" attribute in conf/context.xml before starting Tomcat, but for us, this is a bad solution because of the size of our webapp. Setting this attribute is known to drastically increase webapp startup time.


I’ve heard that there won’t be a solution for this until Flex 2.0, but I’d really like to know if that’s the case, or if anyone else has discovered a workaround for this issue.







tony pujals| senior engineer | Yahoo! small business publishing tools

p. 408.349.6284 | e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] | y!id tonypujals


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