I've searched a bit and it sure seems like this should be easier :) but I've
got a datagrid with some data and am trying to drop an entry in that onto a
node of a tree. But the tree is refusing the drop. The dragenter() function
fires, but that's all I've accomplished.

Here's the tree code.

<mx:Tree id="groupTree" showRoot="false" dataProvider="{allGroups}"
       labelField="GROUPNAME" click="fire()" borderThickness="0"
       dropEnabled="true" dragEnabled="false" dragEnter="test()"
enabled="true" doubleClickEnabled="true" />

Any thoughts?

John Wilker
Vice President Software Development/Writer
Red Omega Solutions, Inc.
www.johnwilker.com / www.red-omega.com

"Everything changes, nothing remains without change." ~Buddha c.483 bc

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