[flexcoders] BindableComboBox

2007-03-14 Thread lucian_13_
I'm using the com.adob.Coldfusion BindableComboBox that is created with the coldfusion wizard. I have an object in actionscript pub.as that is linked to my pub.cfc object. Everything works fine except for my combo box. My ultimate goal is the have the combobox and the model linked with the value

[flexcoders] Re: BindableComboBox

2007-03-14 Thread lucian_13_
This is absolutely making me go bonkers. i've been on this issue for two days. I could have had this done nicely in html in about an hour! I think it is something else that is causing the problem as the setter for the bindable box isn't recognizing the dataprovider, although the combobox is

[flexcoders] Re: BindableComboBox

2007-03-15 Thread lucian_13_
I see no bindable metadata anywhere. How should it look? Thanks! code: mx:ComboBox xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; xmlns=* creationComplete=componentInit() mx:Script ![CDATA[ import mx.utils.ObjectUtil; import mx.controls.Alert;