Adapters have nothing to do with the client really, that's why you
didn't find any AS code for it. ServiceAdapters are set on the
Destination on the server and they're defined in server configuration
files where Destinations are defined. 

You can use Runtime Configuration feature of LCDS 2.5 (new FDS) to
dynamically create and modify Services, Destinations, and Adapters but
this will be again server side (Java code) and not client side because
clients cannot (and should not) change server state.


--- In, "Darren Houle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've found AS code examples for dynamically/programmatically defining 
> channel sets, channels, RemoteObjects, endpoint URI's, etc for RPC
> at runtime... but nowhere can I find an example of someone 
> defining/selecting an adapter (adapter-definition) to use.  IE the 
> JavaAdapter, ColdfusionAdapter, etc.  Anyone know how to do this or
where to 
> find an AS code example?
> Thanks!
> Darren

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