Amazing, isn't it? The only other Amateur Radio
products I've gotten this type of support with have
been my BuddiPole, and my Elecraft K2.
Kudos to FlexRadio Systems for this level of support!
73, Jim  KQ6EA

--- Bill Winkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been sitting back watching the reflector
> discussion on K6JCA's audio venture, and then the
> move into voltage, voltage loads etc and on and
> on..........  
> It's just amazing to see the President of Flex, 
> Flex's lab techs, field operators,  Rob Sherwood,
> general operators, interested non owner hams,  all
> join in concert for a common cause make the
> product better and make it the best in the
> field......  
> I am Dam glad I bought a Flex radio and am Dam proud
> to own one, and I hope you all continue to  blaze
> the Amateur Radio fraternity for many years to
> come... because that's what Amateur Radio is all
> about!!!!
> Harrah for a job well done, to all!!!!
> -Bill Winkis
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