(SDR-1000, Delta-44, MixW, VAC V4.08)

I am happy to report that after months of not being able to move off of
V1.8.x because of audio "popping" during digital mode operation, that I
have FINALLY been successful using PowerSDR V1.10.4 - I still see a pop
every now and again... but it's pretty rare (like, once every few
MINUTES of transmission... which I can live with... as opposed to once
every 5 to ten SECONDS which I'd always experienced before).

Given that I'm an almost 100% digimode operator I am now so damn happy,
I could (throw a party).

I have spent numerous days trying to get versions since V.18.x to work
in the past with no luck.

Today, I took the day off from work with the express purpose of trying
to get V1.10.4 to work, so I can start actually USING Jeff (K6JCA's) new

I'm not sure what actually solved the problem, but in case it MIGHT help
somebody else, here are my ultimate parameters:

VAC Params:
5 MS per int
Cable Format

Power SDR Parameters (Audio/VAC tab):
        Buffer Size     512
        Sample Rate     24000

MixW Parameters:
        Configure / Sound Device Settings / Sample Rate 12000

The machine's a 2.6MHz dual core Athlon 64 (running 32-bit Windows, of

Oh, Happy Day...

De Peter K1PGV

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