Just out of curiosity I've recently tried to request a few invalid
airports and noticed that lower case IDs crash fgfs. The reason is
the following: runways.cxx:314 searches for the "kemt" airport
(320) and "kemt" is indeed found, despite the lower case letters.
But then the loop (329) compares the requested runways ("kemt") with
the ones from the database (all "KEMT"!), so the while loop is
instantly finished, FGRunways::search returns with neither a valid
runway, nor with "NN". Consequence: crash when the invalid runway
is accessed in runways.cxx:196.

  How to reproduce:  fgfs --aircraft=ufo --airport=kemt

Now, this isn't exactly hard to fix. The ideal fix, however, would
IMHO be to normalize every input of runway and airport-id to upper
case letters. This would require to add a "Listener" to their
properties, but this looks a little bit over-engineered. So, should
I provide a patch for a suboptimal solution? Or do the "Listener"
thing instead?


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