FLIGHTGEARTOOLS Version 1.0 for Win32
FlightGearTools is the startup for a tool collection for FlightGear under Win32.
The first "page" is related to MAP, ATLAS and FlightGear+Atlas on one PC.
There might be some more "pages" for other stuff if there is interest from the user-side.

My intention is to make things easier for those people who are not interested in the complicated stuff you need to make things working but want to use an alternative and promising flightsim. I put the complete package as a *.zip file today on my homepage before uploading it
to the AVSIM filelibrary (FlightGear) within the next week.
The reason for this is
a) to have some feedback from users which might result in improving something
       before having it deposited at AVSIM where a change is not easy.
Please download the package, read the manual carefully, install FlightGearTools, install Map/Atlas, do some map work and contact me as soon as possible! b) to have some feedback of developers who might not want the package but
       can read the manual online and give some more hints.
Please read the manual below. You might skip all stuff regarding FlightGearTools but have a look at those passages regarding ATLAS, MAP and FlightGear Wizard. If you have any idea what could be corrected or improved before the upload, please contact me as soon as possible (eMail or Atlas devel mailing list).
           Thank you for your cooperation.
Here is the link to my homepage:


I have to thank all those who supported me by answering my questions on
the Atlas devel mailing list and with that supported the development of this tool and
the manual.

Thank you for your interest and (hopefully) feedback, good and bad :-) )
Georg EDDW

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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