I've found a bug in the httpd server, but I'm too timid to propose a
patch to Curt.  :-)  Here's the deal:

In httpd.hxx we have:

    HttpdServer ( int port ) {
        open() ;
        bind( "", port );
        listen( 5 );

        printf( "Httpd server started on port %d\n", port ) ;

The problem is that we don't check to see if the bind() actually worked,
so if the port is already taken (or something else goes wrong), we don't
deal with it.

I'm pretty much a dummy when it comes to C++ classes, so I'll leave it
up to someone else to propose a fix.  Oh, and this problem exists in the
jpg-httpd server as well.  Thanks
Cameron Moore
[ Why do they use sterile needles for lethal injections? ]

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