Hi Manuel, this is great, thank you for explaining your idea!
> What I mean with procedural texture or geometry. is the creation of
> detail textures and the addition of  geometric models at runtime ("on the
> fly!"). This could be e.g. done  based on known landuse (possibly
> by letting a
> classifier analyze the landsat textures at scenery generation time or
> runtime), and can be easily integrated with the engine LOD management (so
> that detail is only generated when necessary). Additionally,  as
> you suggest,
> it would be great to model roads, rivers, etc. derived from
> vector datasets.
Our posts crossed and you might have seen that we use other words but mean
the same.
This could really be a big step forward IF a very easy way could be
implemented for
amateurs like me to add own regional textures, landuse-structures and
objects WITHOUT
big problems. Just put the textures/geometrical objects and textures/landuse
into a subfolder of a specified folder, FlightGear will read the information
at run-up-time
and display them with priority to the generic scenery:
FLY!II would handle it like that (simplified sample):
(AOSTA.SCF in folder [Scenery], AostaEnd.POD in folder [Scenery]. The
*.POD-file is the
container for all textures you need)
        <bgno> ==== BEGIN SCENERY FILE ====
        <name> ---- scenery set name ----
        <call> ---- coverage area lower left ----
        45 30 2.2 N
        6 56 20.5 E
        <caur> ---- coverage area upper right ----
        45 54 52.0 N
        7 51 5.7 E
        <ldll> ---- load lower left ----
        44 30 2.2 N
        5 56 20.5 E
        <ldur> ---- load upper right ----
        46 54 52.0 N
        8 51 5.7 E
        <file> ---- pod file ----
        <endo> ==== END SCENERY FILE ===

OR to place an object (which normally is done by an editor anytime you are
"flying", but you can write
or edit the code yourself, still more complicated, so everybody uses the
editor or tools)
(This is part of a big file for all scenery objects of a specified region)

      <wobj> ---- world object type ----
        <bgno> ========== BEGIN OBJECT ==========
                <geop> ---- geo position lat lon elev ----
                53 04'53.8973"N
                  8 46'59.5820"E
                <type> ---- object type ----
                <flag> ---- gestalt flags ----
                <detl> ---- detail level ----
                <id  > ---- object id (unique) ----
                <kmmd> ---- model manager ----
                <bgno> ========== BEGIN OBJECT ==========
                        <modl> ---- model entry ----
                <endo> ========== END OBJECT ==========
                <iang> ---- inertial angular position ----
        <endo> ========== END OBJECT ==========
        <wobj> ---- world object type ----

This just as a sample how things could be handled.
Anyway, I love your ideas but I am no FlightGear developer. So I hope that
support your work!
Thanks a lot for your engagement.
Georg "HeliFLYer" EDDW

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