Hi David,

Tonight I'll be looking adding in Norman's new patches and working on a 
couple minor glitches in the viewer.

I'd also like to make the change I mentioned earlier of getting the reference
position data (from a property path) that is set in viewmanager.

For example:

Now it does this: 
1) Viewmanager accesses the "position/lat-deg" property and then updates the 
data for FGViewer.

After change it'll do this:
1) Viewmanager would update a property in Viewer that contained the path to
the property instead of the data itself.  

2) This would cause the viewer class to contain  _path_to_target_lat_deg ==

3) The FGViewer::update(dt) would access the property at _path_to_target_lat_deg
and place it in the data for FGViewer.

This will open the door for doing a configurable target view.

In addition I would also like to change FGModel to do the same thing query in
it's update, rather than querying the viewer for the geodetic data.  This will
cleanly seperate the Viewer code from the model code so that it'll be possible
to have both piloted and AI planes in a given view at the same time.

Finally I would like to remove "viewer.hxx" from "viewmgr.hxx".  I believe
this is creating a bunch of unecessary fat in the build process. Currently
viewmgr.hxx is included in globals.hxx. By removing viewer.hxx from
viewmgr.hxx (and the end of that include chain), the modules that require
access to the viewer data will need to include the header for it.  There 
isn't all that much that actually needs to access the viewer interface directly.



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