I am working to make FlightGear communicate the LabView on a OS X platform.
I have the

Currently, I have succeeded in getting FG to send anything I want to
LabView, using FG protocols and udp reciever I built in LabView. This is the
command-line  segment I have been using to send data from FG to LabView:

All that being said, I have been trying with spectacular failure to get FG
to recognize anything I send from LabView. I am initialing using a single
variable just trying to get something that FG will recognize, using the
following command-line:

With FGWriter1 begin the following:


Every time I run the programs with these parameters, FG crashes and I get
back the following messages from the log
   Error: bind() failed in make_server_socket()
   SG_IO_IN socket creation failed
   Error opening channel communication layer.
   I/O Channel config failed.

I am not sure where to go from here, and I was hoping someone could give me
a pointer as to what to do next.

John Miller
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